Sujet de la discussionPosté le 05/10/2003 à 19:14:46Derniers films vus
Pour ma part ce w-e, c'est 'les invasions barbares' (d. arcand) et 'goodbye lenin!' (w. becker)
Le permier est tout simplement exceptionnel : une richesse de dialogues exceptionnelle et une construction à l'americaine. marque de fabrique canadienne?
Le second aurait pu etre tres bon s'il etait sorti avant Amélie...
Citation : Though he enjoyed his experience, he opted not to run for a second term. He began to reach this conclusion one day standing in a chilly garage, surrounded by staff and council members trying to decide if a prominent Carmel citizen, a doctor, would be permitted to change the slope of his garage roof. Life was too short for this kind of pettiness. Late in 1987 he announced that he would not stand for a second term. And although he made two films while in office (Heartbreak Ridge and Bird), in early 1988, Clint was back to devote a full time effort to his career in film.
pas cool ? ben ecoute jcrois que je suis pas cool moi meme a y reflechir bien .. lol