Last flights of the Harrier from Cottesmore took place in late December when 800 Naval Air Squadron and IV Squadron at RAF Cottesmore flew an approved route over several Lincolnshire and Suffolk airfields, then on for a flypast over the MOD and Parliament to entertain a number of UK and foreign dignitaries and massed MPs.
The disgruntled yet highly professional former Harrier pilots were specially recalled for this event, laid on by the RAF top brass in an effort to demonstrate that despite the cuts, the good old British stiff upper lip was still in place.
This event wasn't well publicized and unusually escaped the attention of most of the Aviation enthusiast sites.
Fortunately an image of the London leg of the flypast was captured for prosperity.
Bravo duch
C'est une réplique (récente) de ce qui aurait pu être le premier avion "furtif" de l'histoire, développé par les allemands en 44, mais jamais industrialisé si j'en crois le PPS reçu ce matin.
Réplique faite avec les plans et matériaux d'époque.
C'est bien le Ho 229.