Les questions auxquelles on n'a pas les réponses mais un AFien peut les avoir
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Voilà un topic qui sert à s'informer, à poser des questions pour resoudre les tracas du quotidien.
J'inaugure avec :
J'ai cuit des oeufs un peu façon omelette, conservés entre 36 et 48h au frigo, je les ai réchauffé et là je sens mon bide trop chelou.
Quelqu'un sait combien de temps ça se garde sans risque ?
Surtout le 975x amha qu'on trouve, chez asus sur une cm dans les 200€ environ, la série P5W, notamment la p5w DH bien venere trouvable à 210€ :
En gros pour moins de 400€ t'as un combo cpu/cm de roxor.
Pov Gabou
Citation :
I just released 3.7.16. There's some misc stuff, but the big news is
that I have added architectural support for the Core2 family (though have
not tuned any assembly for it yet), and this guy is a beast! Looks like
after years of getting schooled by AMD, Intel finally got tired of it. Here's
a comparison of flops/cycle comparing Core2 vs Athlon-64:
--------- --------- ---------
sngl dble sngl dble sngl dble
Core2 1 1 2 2 8 4
Athlon-64 2 2 2 2 4 2
This means Core2 is the fastest floating point x86 ever produced. It ties
the G5, which was previously the best peak performer of any desktop system.
I think they added an extra vector unit to Core2 vs Core1 to get this
doubling. Note that even using Scalar SSE, you can get twice the clock
rate on the Core 2 (unlike prior Intel machines). So, from this we know
that computationally, the only place AMD is winning is x87 code. This
actually gives the AMD a double advantage for scalar code (right now
all C code results in scalar performance): (1) since the x87 has same
peak as SSE, you can use it for greater accuracy; (2) x87 actually
has a slight performance advantage in practice, since in the CISC
instruction set, x87 code takes up a lot less instruction cache.
In older archs, AMD unambiguously won for scalar code, but with the extra
vector unit, this is no longer so unambiguous. On the other hand, Core2
should dominate anytime memory isn't the only cost (I haven't really timed
memory stuff, but it doesn't look like AMD is dominating there either).
Those are peaks, so what are we getting in practice? For reference here's
my 2.2Ghz Athlon-64:
Clock rate=2200Mhz
single precision double precision
********************* ********************
real complex real complex
Benchmark % Clock % Clock % Clock % Clock
========= ========= ========= ========= =========
kSelMM 354.1 339.8 161.7 180.0
kGenMM 185.2 156.2 161.7 169.2
kMM_NT 136.8 146.6 113.6 132.3
kMM_TN 151.6 142.0 132.2 147.2
BIG_MM 338.3 330.3 159.6 174.5
kMV_N 53.8 138.8 35.9 72.7
kMV_T 61.3 73.0 33.5 52.5
kGER 44.9 91.8 23.7 48.0
Now here's my 2.4Ghz Core2Duo:
Clock rate=2394Mhz
single precision double precision
********************* ********************
real complex real complex
Benchmark % Clock % Clock % Clock % Clock
========= ========= ========= ========= =========
kSelMM 531.8 517.8 270.1 285.8
kGenMM 174.7 168.0 165.3 165.3
kMM_NT 141.8 141.0 133.5 136.3
kMM_TN 158.8 159.3 142.9 150.1
BIG_MM 501.0 501.0 262.5 288.4
kMV_N 110.6 202.5 57.8 95.5
kMV_T 91.3 101.5 49.9 84.7
kGER 153.9 113.5 28.9 46.4
So, there is no question that the Core2 gives the Athlon-64 a drubbing pretty
much across the board, as we would expect. Note that I have not yet
optimized any of the kernels for the Core2: this is just using the
preexisting kernels (mostly tuned for netburst)! I believe we have a decent
amount of room on the floor here. In particular, the present kernels do not
exploit the doubling of registers. I think the computational ordering is
probably OK, but the prefetch probably should be tuned, which might also
drift the NB . . . So, I think these numbers will eventually become even
more dominant.
So, for now, Core2 is the absolute, unambiguous king of x86 floating point.
I very much hope AMD can respond!
On avait pas vu un post aussi gaboutesque depuis longtemps.
Dr Pouet
Citation : Prends un mac
Et VFred ne réagit pas
VF, ya quelque chose qui ne va pas en ce moment ? Des soucis ? Tu peux nous en parler tu sais.
Yannou le Jacky
Je viens de me monter une config avec E6300 + carte mere MSI P965 Neo (chipset Intel 965) + mémoire DDR2, et ca marche tres bien.
GRos point positif outre les performances: ca consomme pas beaucoup, donc une alim 400W suffit amplement, pas besoin d'inverstir dans des alims démesurée,et conséquences: ca chauffe pas du tout. Donc ca se refroidi facilement, donc pour un PC silencieux, c'est le pied.
Jacky repenti. SeuRn
T'aurais pas des exemples de conso cpu sous un séquenceur avec un nombre de pistes et de plugs donné ?
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