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DjDecks DjDecks
DjDecks DjDecks

:8O: Stanton Final Scratch pour 50€

  • 636 réponses
  • 86 participants
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Sujet de la discussion :8O: Stanton Final Scratch pour 50€
si comme moi vous êtes tenté par Final Scratch, mais que vous n'êtes pas pret à investir, vous pouvez toujours essayer djDecks ...

En partant du constat que le Scratch Amp® n'est rien d'autre qu'une carte son, les développeurs de djDecks ont créé un add-on permettant de controller leur logiciel avec un FinalScratch® “Scratch” Record.

L'add-on est toujours en version beta, mais (semble-t-il) déjà parfaitement fonctionnel, la preuve en image.

djDecks : 24€
FS Record : 26€
Total : 50€ :bravo:

Je publierai prochainement un test complet ...

Nb: L'utilisation de djDecks et de son add-on suppose biensur que vous avez déjà une carte son, une platine vinyle et un préamp-phono.
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Citation : Hiha

A force, je me demande si t'as pas de la famille chez les équidés ?
"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music." - K. Wilson, Nintendo Inc
djDecks v0.67 - build #3048

-Mouse Scratching improved
-Skinning: Possibility to switch between local waveform and complete waveform, just add "switch" action in skin
-Skinning: You can select default starting positions for deck, main and playlist window
-Skinning: You can select a second background color for the playlist, this way you get an alternating background to make rows more clear
-Keyboard Shortcut: Added a tapbpm keyboard shortcut to manually tap bpm value

:mdr: et oui c'est Noel! :bravo:
djDecks v0.67 - build #3058

-Skinning: Added TrackInfoCustom field, which takes as valuespecifier any of the available track info fields (such as [%kbps], [%title], ...)
-Initial VST plugin support: Select a vst plugin by clicking the 1/4 beat button in the 'vst plugin' tab on the effect window, activate it with the tap button, and alter the first 4 parameters.

djDecks v0.67 - build #3086

-Added: CPU Usage of complete audio path is now shown in ASIO mode
-Reverse Looping now disables finalscratch
-Audio quality should be improved and sound less digital when scratching
-New calibration for FinalScratch/SSL/VDJ should improve pitch stability when the signal is not very clear
-Mute Reverse: mutes a player when reversing, can be enabled/disabled by the hidden button just left to the 'menu' button on each player.
-Added skinning object value 'muteonreverse' to use on buttons. Optionally, ValueSpecifier can be 2 for muteforward
-Noise when picking up needle in finalscratch mode should be gone
-Another attempt at fixing Streaming ASIO (Still not recommended for live usage)
-Hercules DJ Console: When using the vertical slider for pitch, the rotating knob now controls the volume
-Fixed a bug with ID3v2 tags containing unicode frames

:aime: :aime:
Jai une petite question !! Est ce que les disques de mixvibes DVS fonctionnent avec Djdeck ??

Merci d'avance :lol:

Architecte d'intérieur et designer, passionné par la musique.

djDecks v0.67 - build #3090

-Fixed: Tags are now stored in Streaming ASIO mode as well
-Fixed: ID3v2 tags with frames > 128 bytes are now read correctly
-Fixed: Files with APE tags should not be mistaken by ID3v1 tags anymore
-Fixed: Realtime calculation of replaygain should no longer interrupt playback
-"Normal Quality" resampling now uses less cpu power, while still sounding good
-CPU Usage in ASIO mode should be more constant now
-Fixed locale bug where FS Callibration was reset when opening the options window


dadou53 :fleche: Ici