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réactions à la news Le Moog One arrive… selon les revendeurs

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Sujet de la discussion Le Moog One arrive… selon les revendeurs
Moog Music Moog One 16
C’est en tout cas ce qu’annonce un revendeur américain qui a listé les deux versions de 8 et 16 voix sur son site internet…

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Et l'annonce officielle , c'est quand? Pour revenir a la comparaison entre le memory moog et le one, question son je ne me fais pas trop d'illusion ça ne sera pas ca et quelque part c'est tant mieux. En revanche en terme de panel c'est clairement un successeur.

Il me semble que l'annonce officielle sera le 8 octobre 2018. Le site de Moogmusic passe déjà en revue les quelques synthés polyphoniques/paraphoniques qui ont laissés leur empreinte dans l'histoire de la marque.
oui, et premières livraisons à partir de Sweetwater fin octobre.
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"As far as I could hear it in the demos in June, the One does sound really good but it does not sound as raw and untamed as a Memorymoog can sound. Of course I could not play it so my impression is based on the demo I heard and on the sound through the headphones we were provided, but I know that I will keep my MM for now. I also have a 16 voice on preorder so I am not saying the One is worse than the MM. Just different."

"The One definitely does not sound like a Memorymoog and there will still be a market for these as well as for the other high end polys. I was really hoping the One would sound like my MM before the demo and I was quite disappointed after the demo to be honest with you. It was the wrong perspective because I only thought of it as a reliable alternative to my MM, which it is not. The One stands on its own and the feature set more than offset the difference in sound in my view. But if you want that MM sound you will probably have to pay the asking price for one and when people realize you can only get it with the MM, prices will probably not go down by much.."

Entre un Sub37 récent et un MimiMoog vintage, ce qui change fondamentalement c'est que les composants sont probablement plus précis, stables en température, que les CMS chauffent moins, que les composants sensibles (condensateurs chimiques, diodes et transistors appairés) sont neufs, que les circuits imprimés sont plus propres, que les potentiomètres ne crachotent plus et qu'ils sont soudés directement sur le circuit imprimé plutôt qu'au bout d'un toron de 50cm de câble, etc.
Pour réaliser aujourd'hui une machine aux véritables sonorités vintages avec des techniques de fabrication industrielle et moderne, il faudra "pourrir" tout le process de conception/choix de composants/fabrication.
La comparaison avec les synthés vintage a du sens si on aime le grain des vintage et que c'est ce qu'on souhaite retrouver. Pourquoi reprocher à certain de préférer la grain vintage, tout comme le grain contemporain d'ailleurs ? Après, on peut faire des sons de biniou, de cornemuse ou de pets de lapin, mais si on n'a pas le grain qu'on aime, ça ne nous plaira au final pas...
Bah oui puisque ce sont ces défauts qui faisaient la qualité de ces vieux instruments et que l'on émule actuellement !
The birth of the "One"

Quelques extraits:

"All of the sections in the signal path are implemented in the analogue domain; three newly designed oscillators per voice, an innovative noise generator, a flexible filter topology with a combination of multimode and Moog transistor ladder filters, and VCAs that you can overdrive to obtain the expect range of heavyweight sounds. However, this is only half of the story because, as you would expect, the One is a hybrid, with extensive digital control over that signal path. Central to this is the modulation matrix, which offers a large number of sources and destinations, although I can’t quote you numbers because this is one of the areas yet to be finalised.
Other digitally generated facilities include multiple contour generators and LFOs and, if you’re happy to see your signal pass in and out of the digital domain, there’s an effects section that offers one effect per part, plus two master effects. (As found on some polysynths from elsewhere, the effects lie in side-chains so that, if you bypass them, you can ensure that the audio signal remains in the analogue domain if that matters to you.) Many of the effects algorithms have been developed in-house, but Moog has also collaborated with no lesser developer than Eventide for the One’s reverbs.
Furthermore, the voice management and control software appears to be able to support 16 further voices, which suggests some intriguing possibilities for the future. But for the moment at least, the plan is to launch two models – an extensible 8-voice version, and a fully populated 16-voice version.
There are something like 14,000 components in the Moog One which together add up to 48 oscillators and 32 filters on no fewer than 16 printed circuit boards, plus three arpeggiators and three sequencers, five effects units, all comprising three separate polyphonic synthesisers… all of which total just one musical instrument.

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But for the moment at least, the plan is to launch two models – an extensible 8-voice version, and a fully populated 16-voice version.

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three newly designed oscillators per voice, an innovative noise generator, a flexible filter topology with a combination of multimode and Moog transistor ladder filters, and VCAs that you can overdrive to obtain the expect range of heavyweight sounds

[ Dernière édition du message le 04/10/2018 à 16:01:48 ]

Citation :
to be able to support 16 further voices

Ce serait des voies numériques en complément aux voies analogiques ? Ou l'ouverture nécessaire pour gérer un projet de rack externe qui viendrait en complément ? Là, Moog nous fait un petit cliffhanger comme une série TV à la mode, histoire de faire baver son public...
extension de voix peut être via un module externe connecté au port ethernet ???

Studio MDDP recording and sound design