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Depeche Mode

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Sujet de la discussion Depeche Mode
Je m ecoutais du depeche mode la, ,et je me disais que sans eux ya des groupes qui seraient pas comme y sont pense a Paradise lost par exemple...
Vous trouvez pas que c est un groupe culte vous?
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D’accord avec Kosmix, le SM57 est l’un des grands standards des micros de scène. Utilisé par les plus grands (et les plus petits aussi ;) )
C’est limite putaclick, ce genre de vidéo, non?

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Je pense pas.
Le mec parle beaucoup de DM, il a même interviewé Gareth Jones je crois.
Ces différentes vidéos ne peuvent pas être toutes super top...
Oui, oui bien sûr. Je ne remet pas en cause les compétences de ce monsieur. Beaucoup de ses videos sont effectivement très interessantes.
Je me suis mal exprimé : je parlais du titre qui en faisait une video putaclick en faisant croire que DM utilisait un micro bas de gamme et que c’était une curiosité alors que c’est un micro très très utilisé.

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“ All I need is a singer ! You guys need a musician ! Am tired of you guys , Daniel Miller will take care of you . Am out “ Vince 🙃

Split pour différent artistique, classique :oops2:

Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?

“I said to Mart, ‘Fuck off!"

“They were genuinely concerned about my health, but of course I couldn’t see that,” Gahan later admitted to Q. “I said to Mart, ‘Fuck off! Get off my back! You drink 15 pints of beer a night and take your clothes off and cause a scene! How can you be so hypocritical?’”
Gahan had a point. Gore was indeed drinking heroic amounts of lager per night, on one occasion informing his bandmates that he had drunk sixty-seven pints in eleven hours. It was a window into his nature that, amongst the carnage, he had taken the trouble to keep count.

By the time the European leg of the tour ended, on July 31, with a gig at Crystal Palace sports stadium in south London in front of thirty-five thousand people, Gahan was entirely estranged from his three bandmates. By now, behind his back, they had a new nickname for him: “The Cunt.” Support at this show came from arch goth band the Sisters of Mercy. As he left the stage, their singer Andrew Eldritch made a sneering reference to Depeche Mode’s onstage setup and Gahan’s apparent relationship to his up-high bandmates: “Enjoy the puppet show!”

After Crystal Palace, Gore and Fletcher took downtime while Wilder flew to Dublin to mix a live Songs of Faith and Devotion album from tour recordings. Gahan partied on in Los Angeles. Reunited in the fall to take Devotional across North America, the band carried on falling apart at the seams.

In Los Angeles six weeks later, where the band were doing five sold-out nights at the seventeen-thousand-capacity Forum, Martin Gore’s own partying led to him having a seizure during a meeting at the Sunset Marquis. “I went to a club, met some guy who gave me some stuff, and was up all night until 9 or 10 in the morning,” he later confessed.

“We had a band meeting at 12 ‘o’ clock and I managed to sleep for an hour. “I got up and I’ve never felt so dreadful in my life. I managed literally to crawl to the meeting. I had to lay on the floor, just saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ At some point, I tried to get up and went into convulsions due to alcohol and drug withdrawal.” “We were all sitting around this boardroom table, when Mart stood up and then went weird,” confirmed Wilder.

“He shook a bit, his eyes glazed over, and then he was on the floor convulsing.”

Gittins, Ian. Depeche Mode: Faith and Devotion
C'est pas reluisant tout ça :|

"the cunt" :8O:

Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?


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