Depeche Mode
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Posteur·euse AFfiné·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 27/08/2003 à 18:42:22Depeche Mode
Je m ecoutais du depeche mode la, ,et je me disais que sans eux ya des groupes qui seraient pas comme y sont pense a Paradise lost par exemple...
Vous trouvez pas que c est un groupe culte vous?
Vous trouvez pas que c est un groupe culte vous?
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
771 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 09:26:38
Alan sur Fletch :
He’s not a musician, he doesn’t have much of a musical angle on things at all
Wilder was sympathetic about his colleague’s problems, he was often impatient with Fletcher in the studio environment where he felt the latter had a very minor role — to keep Gore company: ‘Fletch wasn’t really involved in making the records. He was there or thereabouts but he wasn’t actively involved. He’s not a musician, he doesn’t have much of a musical angle on things at all. He may have been at various recording sessions so that Martin had someone to go out with in the evening after the session. Studios can be incredibly claustrophobic places —- even more so for those who perhaps don’t play a big part in the nuts and bolts of the process. Boredom is an especially powerful and destructive force. For example, one of the most annoying things is if I'm working on a complicated sample (which I want to cut into many pieces and reconfigure into something new) the process is inevitably complex and until the procedure is complete, things will usually sound chaotic and meaningless to anyone listening in. If someone who doesn’t fully understand this procedure interjects at an unfinished stage and makes negative comments like, “Oh, that doesn’t sound right”, it can be really irritating.’
He’s not a musician, he doesn’t have much of a musical angle on things at all
Wilder was sympathetic about his colleague’s problems, he was often impatient with Fletcher in the studio environment where he felt the latter had a very minor role — to keep Gore company: ‘Fletch wasn’t really involved in making the records. He was there or thereabouts but he wasn’t actively involved. He’s not a musician, he doesn’t have much of a musical angle on things at all. He may have been at various recording sessions so that Martin had someone to go out with in the evening after the session. Studios can be incredibly claustrophobic places —- even more so for those who perhaps don’t play a big part in the nuts and bolts of the process. Boredom is an especially powerful and destructive force. For example, one of the most annoying things is if I'm working on a complicated sample (which I want to cut into many pieces and reconfigure into something new) the process is inevitably complex and until the procedure is complete, things will usually sound chaotic and meaningless to anyone listening in. If someone who doesn’t fully understand this procedure interjects at an unfinished stage and makes negative comments like, “Oh, that doesn’t sound right”, it can be really irritating.’
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
772 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 11:32:56
Fletch told Daniel Miller that he would never do another Mode tour while Wilder was in the band.
Fletcher was simply not up to the extra US leg and he wasn’t going to try to be. After the final Asian date in Manila in mid-March, he quit the tour, flew to London, and checked back into the Priory. “I just lost it,” he later admitted. “It was a breakdown.” As a parting shot, he told Daniel Miller that he would never do another Mode tour while Wilder was in the band.
“It was very difficult,” Gore told Q, years later. “Andy has been my closest friend since we were 12. But for the other two, he’d become unbearable. I justified it by thinking that it would be better for Andy if he went home and got professional advice.”
Gittins, Ian. Depeche Mode: Faith and Devotion
Fletcher was simply not up to the extra US leg and he wasn’t going to try to be. After the final Asian date in Manila in mid-March, he quit the tour, flew to London, and checked back into the Priory. “I just lost it,” he later admitted. “It was a breakdown.” As a parting shot, he told Daniel Miller that he would never do another Mode tour while Wilder was in the band.
“It was very difficult,” Gore told Q, years later. “Andy has been my closest friend since we were 12. But for the other two, he’d become unbearable. I justified it by thinking that it would be better for Andy if he went home and got professional advice.”
Gittins, Ian. Depeche Mode: Faith and Devotion
roth weiler
Membre depuis 4 ans
773 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 12:12:01
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
774 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 12:35:04
Mais oui, fais-toi plaisir, tout est joie ici!
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
775 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 18:38:20
Alan Wilder was to detail a typical day on the World Violation tour.
“Check out of hotel at 1pm or 2pm,” he recalled to UK music writer Stephen Dalton. “Travel to local airfield. Fly by private jet with the immediate entourage (about 12 people) to the next city. Arrive 4pm approx. Go straight to the gig for soundcheck. “Back to the hotel at 6pm, quick sauna/workout, if there was time, leave for the gig at 7.45pm. Onstage 8.30pm/9pm: offstage 11pm, followed by hospitality and night on the town until the early hours … repeat 44 times!”
Gittins, Ian. Depeche Mode: Faith and Devotion
“Check out of hotel at 1pm or 2pm,” he recalled to UK music writer Stephen Dalton. “Travel to local airfield. Fly by private jet with the immediate entourage (about 12 people) to the next city. Arrive 4pm approx. Go straight to the gig for soundcheck. “Back to the hotel at 6pm, quick sauna/workout, if there was time, leave for the gig at 7.45pm. Onstage 8.30pm/9pm: offstage 11pm, followed by hospitality and night on the town until the early hours … repeat 44 times!”
Gittins, Ian. Depeche Mode: Faith and Devotion
roth weiler
Membre depuis 4 ans
776 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 19:46:43
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
777 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 21:49:51
Ah celle-là y avait pas de citation, donc origine inconnue.
Ma vie est un thread...
Membre depuis 19 ans
778 Posté le 15/07/2023 à 22:21:42
La photo Barbie
(d'actualité en plus )
(d'actualité en plus )
Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 7 ans
779 Posté le 16/07/2023 à 17:53:34
Citation de kosmix :
La photo Barbie
(d'actualité en plus )
Ma vie est un thread...
Membre depuis 19 ans
780 Posté le 16/07/2023 à 18:01:18
C'est bien plus classe !
Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?
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