The mars volta
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Difficile d'accès, mais ultra-jouissif... En tout cas je ne sui pas près de m'en lasser.
Rétrospectivement à mon gout leur meilleur opus (même si c tres difficile de choisir) reste leur premier album "De-Loused in the Comatorium"
Bone écoute à ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore
Citation : The Mars Volta recently finished up tracking their new album and are set to begin mixing it with Rich Costey (Mastodon, Weezer) in the coming weeks.
Citation : The Mars Volta have completed recording their new full-length effort. The band will beging mixing the album this week and hope to release the album in early 2009.
Citation : There is finally some new info about TMV’s fifth album. Here it is:
“– Tentatively titled “Phantom Idols”
– It’s a concept album loosely based on the mythology surrounding the life of Arachne
– Mellower album, more akin to Amputechture
– Omar says that “creatively speaking” it’s his best work, whatever that means.
– Omar has been rehearsing with Cedric exclusively using an acoustic guitar
– Recording as of then had not been finished, and Omar is keeping the band, including Cedric in the dark as to how the final product will sound
– Omar described one song on the album as a “spiritual successor” to Frances the Mute
– Due to other obligations, John Frusciante will likely not appear on this record
– Album will come out when it comes out, but likely not until around summer
– The band is currently label shopping, but negotiations are pending with an indie label called Definitive Jux
– The band is considering releasing another TBIG single on Universal to help bankroll the project, probably Ilyena”
Billy Bégonia
Old Money
1 The Power of Myth
2 How to Bill the Bilderberg Group
3 Population Council's Wet Dream
4 Private Fortunes
5 Trilateral Commission as Dinner Guests
6 1921
7 Family War Funding (Love Those Rothschilds)
8 Vipers in the Bosom
9 I Like Rockefellers' First Two Albums, But After That...
10 Old Money
J'en suis qu'au premier titre mais ça déchire ;)
Y'a du thomas pridgen dedans
+ Concert à l'Olympia le 28 Juin
"L'Homme est la nature prenant conscience d'elle même." - Elisée Reclus
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