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The Monty Junglists High Squat

  • 12 053 réponses
  • 135 participants
  • 188 054 vues
Sujet de la discussion The Monty Junglists High Squat
Hi les junglists AFiens ...
J'explique l'idée : je pensais que nous , les junglists AFiens producteurs de sons , pourions faire une compil ou une mixtape de tracks originales ...Une mixtape AFienne , quoi !
Bon , c'est une idée comme ca , hein ...J'ai pas réfléchi à tous les détails : compil ou mixtape ? Si mixtape , qui mixe nos tracks ? Tracks perso ou featuring entre AFiens ? Chacun fait la jungle qu'il kiffe , ou tracks thématiques ?
Bref , vous avez saisi l'idée ...Si elle vous botte , checkez un coup pour en discuter ...
Attention , par contre , si ca en tente parmi vous , ce serait pour faire un truc un peu sérieux , hein ...
Afficher le sujet de la discussion
Ouais, je pense que je vais passer, même si j'ai cours demain et que j'ai approximativement 34 heures de sommeil à rattraper

Citation : Ouais, pour raconter des conneries, y'a du monde !
Mais quand ça devient sérieux, y'a plus personne !

NIXX a découvert le fil a beurre :bravo:

Dsl, peut pas t'aider pour l'instant, je checkerais cette nuit si je trouves quelque chose du genre.
Tu veux quoi éxactement: un contrat type pour un chanteur (remixé ou bootlegué). Sbien ça ???

Désinscription AF


Citation : Ouais, pour raconter des conneries, y'a du monde !
Mais quand ça devient sérieux, y'a plus personne !

Ah bravo hein !
Je quitte AF.


Il avé pas compris...

******The Ramones°°°°°°

Locked !
Bon, je reste, y'a locked...

Ouais, c'est hyper sérieux, c'est pour des bootlegs.
Un contrat pour un remix ferait l'affaire après, je l'adapte...
Myspace - My Boots - My Home
Don't let this motherfucker go....
NIXX> dans un de ces genres:

You will receive an encoded MP3 file of the untagged song, and/or a copy of the raw WAV file. The song file can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Leasing rights allow you to use the beat (or song) for ONE commercial recording or broadcast. This recording can then be distributed at your price for up to 2,000 copies. Selling more than 2,000 copies means you must acquire a new lease or exclusive rights. You may also use the beat for non-profit promotional use or demos. You have full rights to record, alter, mix the beat/song in any shape, way, or form (except reselling the beat). You will receive a contract in the mail granting you non-exclusive rights to the beat. In the event that someone buys exclusive rights to the beat you have leased, your rights shall stand and the beat is still yours to use. You may also acquire new leasing rights if you sell more than 2,000 copies since your contract predates exclusive sale. The seller will not receive a royalty from the sale of records or downloads. You must however give full credit to the seller (artist and/or producer name) on all commercial recordings. Upon purchasing leasing rights, the seller still owns the beat(s) and the seller is able to resell the beat(s) to any other party until exclusive rights have been purchased.

You will receive a MP3 file of the beat (or song), untagged (free of soundmarks) and/or a copy of the raw WAV file. The song file can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Exclusive rights grant you unlimited commercial recordings and broadcasts. You have full rights to record, alter, mix the beat/song in any shape, way, or form (except reselling the beat). You will receive a contract in the mail granting you exclusive rights to the beat. You own the recording as a "work made for hire". The original seller may no longer lease or sell the beat/song, except for prior leasing rights holders and his/her own promotional page (no downloads there). The seller will not receive a royalty from the sale of records or downloads. You must however give full credit to the seller (artist and/or producer name) on all commercial recordings.

SPECIAL USES: TV, Movies, Commercials, Websites

Charity organizations: can use song for free, but must give full credit to artist/producer
Student projects for school/college: can use song for free, but must give full credit to artist/producer
Commercials, In-house, company publications: for publications with less than 50,000 viewers exclusive rights suffice. Terms are to be discussed for larger publications.
Websites (less than 100,000 monthly hits): leasing rights suffice
Websites (other): must acquire exclusive rights
TV/Movie: terms are to be discussed
The above guidelines are only SoundClick's suggestion for drafting reasonable agreements. In no way is SoundClick responsible for honoring either the seller's or the buyer's agreement. If either party fails to honor any licensing agreement you may contact SoundClick at Please see our legal agreement at for more information.

Je peux approfondir si tu vois quelque chose qui t'intéresse

Désinscription AF

Tiendez, des renseignements: Forum Sacem
ou il te restera ça:
Pour une fois qu'il sert a quelque chose :mrg: :volatil:

Désinscription AF

Et les gens si vous êtes pas couché checkez mon nouveau morceau dans le forum drum'n'baise
Merci Al, mais c'est pas ce que je recherche.

Boah, spa grave, je vais le faire moi-même....
Myspace - My Boots - My Home
Don't let this motherfucker go....
L'heure est grave :pong:

Citation : join the group! and say it loud!

Radio One DJ Grooverider was arrested in Dubai after cannabis and hardcore porn DVDs were allegedly found in his record bag.

Grooverider has a weekly show with his partner Fabio and has been with Radio One since 1998.

Grooverider (born Raymond Bingham) is the stage name of a drum and bass DJ from London. Grooverider began his DJing career at illegal raves and warehouse parties in Britain in the late eighties, and rose to prominence with partner Fabio through his innovative sets at influential club nights such as Rage and Speed. At these nights, Grooverider championed the emerging UK breakbeat culture that would eventually split from house and techno to become hardcore, from which developed jungle, which would in turn become known as drum and bass. He is widely recognised as a "godfather" of drum and bass for his pioneering work in the development of this genre..................

non sérieux c'est ouf cette histoire ? ils veulent des dj qui ne fument pas mais qui animent la fête etc... je précise que je ne fume plus hein !
>Nixx : ;)

Oui,mais bon,Dubai c'est pas vraiment la planète underground non plus!Ils ne rigolent pas avec ça!Ils

sont plutôt partisans d'avions dans quelques immeubles,non?

******The Ramones°°°°°°