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Sujet Jackson / Charvel Fans of AF

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Sujet de la discussion Jackson / Charvel Fans of AF
Bon j'en connais déjà pas mal mais bon on vas essayer de débusquer ceux qui se cachent :8)

Aller ami AFien toi qui aimes les guitares Jackson, sors de ton trou et fais nous signe :clin:
Ici pas de polémique, juste des gars qui aiment Jackson

Pour ceux qui n'aiment pas ils ont qu'a créér un contre forum, ici c'est ammmuuuurrr de Jackson only :aime: :aime: :aime:

In Jackson we TRUST

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

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Citation :

Peter Steele
A.K.A. Jolly Green Giant, Herman, Gorilla, Green Man, Lurch.

Born in the late Pleistocene age and thawed out in 1971, Peter was raised a devout catholic until he was barred from his own communion for gross flatulence. Peter discovered he could write songs upon his 1987 release from Kings County psychiatric ward after 3 weeks of observation for attempting to commit suicide with plastic eating utensils. In 1989 he formed Type O Negative. He had written the bands original demo for the sole reason of winning back an old girlfriend that had left him for a sanitation worker, but the tapes somehow got the band a record contract. Shortly after his signing Peter was promptly arrested during his 1990 colostomy operation when the surgeon discovered 186 lbs of low grade undigested beef and half of a female femur bone in his large intestine.
After his release from prison he was forced to leave his beloved job for the NYC Parks Department to go on tour with TON. He can now sometimes be sighted raking leaves and removing litter from truck stops and hotel parking lots across the country.

Hobbies: fast food, redheads, and slim-fast.

Comme je suis d'humeur gentille (image clickable).

C'est dingue ces djeunzs qui connaissent même pas les classiques du metal :roll:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not


Citation : j'ai pas trouvé sur google

Ah ! toi aussi :|


Hors sujet : Dis ma poule, t'aurais pas un Juno 106, un MicroKorg ou autre bestiole du genre dans tes étagères a desespoir qui font passer ton quotidien ?

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not


Citation : Peter Steele
A.K.A. Jolly Green Giant, Herman, Gorilla, Green Man, Lurch.

Born in the late Pleistocene age and thawed out in 1971, Peter was raised a devout catholic until he was barred from his own communion for gross flatulence. Peter discovered he could write songs upon his 1987 release from Kings County psychiatric ward after 3 weeks of observation for attempting to commit suicide with plastic eating utensils. In 1989 he formed Type O Negative. He had written the bands original demo for the sole reason of winning back an old girlfriend that had left him for a sanitation worker, but the tapes somehow got the band a record contract. Shortly after his signing Peter was promptly arrested during his 1990 colostomy operation when the surgeon discovered 186 lbs of low grade undigested beef and half of a female femur bone in his large intestine.
After his release from prison he was forced to leave his beloved job for the NYC Parks Department to go on tour with TON. He can now sometimes be sighted raking leaves and removing litter from truck stops and hotel parking lots across the country.

Hobbies: fast food, redheads, and slim-fast.

:pong: :ptdr:
Je sais pas lire l'anglais : donc on me traduit ça et vite :fache:

Hors sujet : Hello! Nope pour l'instant rien du tout. Juste un SY55 tout pourri et dix fois trop cher.
Figure toi qu'un microkorg met tenterait bien également. Mais si je vois passer quelque chose succeptible de t'intéresser, je te mailerai. ;)


Citation : Je sais pas lire l'anglais : donc on me traduit ça et vite

Ben comment dire ? ... demmerde toi

Hors sujet : Oki c'est cool, mici :bise:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not


Citation : Je sais pas lire l'anglais : donc on me traduit ça et vite :fache:

C'est écrit que si t'es inculte, on y est pour rien. Qu'il faut que tu retournes à l'école et que tu sois poli avec les personnes qui te subissent.
Lol ça va je rigole les gars... :bravo:

je suis pas comme ça quand même ^^. j'ai écoute un peu votre truc la, c'est du métal moue du gland ça crache rien du tout.
Rassure-moi, tu es lyonnais?