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Quelles series tv regardez-vous?

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Sujet de la discussion Quelles series tv regardez-vous?
J'en ai dejà regardé pas mal.... mais , à present que les longues oirées d'hiver pointent leurs nez , je ne sais plus trop vers ou me tourner donc j'attends vos suggestions éclairées sur la petite serie inconnue ou la perle dont on ne soupconne pas l'existence.

ne me dites pas Derrick ou les routiers , je connais dejà :bravo2:

Quant aux "aventures du jeune Patrick Paccard" , j'en suis dejà un fin connaisseur

Dans un monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux. G.Debord.

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La nouvelle série produite par HBO:


The trailer for HBO’s “Newsroom,” Aaron Sorkin’s forthcoming drama, set behind-the-scenes of a cable news program, debuted last night. In it, the well-respected news anchor Will McAvoy’s (Jeff Daniels) long-held political neutrality is finally exploded when he is hectored into explaining “Why America is the greatest country in the world.” His answer is an exasperated “It’s not the greatest country in the world.” McAvoy continues in the most condescending tones to address the blond college student who asked the question: “Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there’s some things you should know,” he says, before unleashing a barrage of statistics about America’s relative incompetence. In other words, it’s classic Sorkin — rapid fire, dense, smart, patronizing and morally outraged — except for one thing. Will McAvoy is a Republican.

Over the course of his career, Sorkin has tapped into a liberal fantasy of politics more regularly than probably anyone. In “The West Wing” Sorkin created the dream Democrat, President Josiah Bartlett, not just an erudite and morally impregnable man, but one who wielded his intelligence like a sword. When pushed, Bartlett pushed back, with logic and truth, righteousness and all the Bible quotes he needed.

Bartlett may be Sorkin’s most famous liberal fantasia, but he’s not his only one. He created two more in the presidential election that took place in later seasons of “West Wing,” a face off between the inspiring, Hispanic candidate Matt Santos, a character who was loosely based on the not-yet-president Barack Obama, and the socially moderate, fiscally conservative, pro-choice Republican Arnold Vinick, Sorkin’s first stab at creating a Republican a Democrat could love.

Then in Sorkin’s disastrous “Studio 60,” set behind the scenes of a “Saturday Night Live”-type show, Sorkin introduced another fantasy, the relatively liberal believer. Harriet Hayes, who was based on Sorkin’s ex-girlfriend Kristin Chenowith, was (supposed to be) a supremely talented performer and devout Christian, with a more or less nuanced take on social issues and an active sense of humor despite her faith.

And now here’s Will McAvoy: “I’m a registered Republican,” he says. “I only seem liberal because I believe hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.” Forget presidents who can slay conservative ideologues with their words, the fantasy Sorkin’s trafficking in now is that endangered species, the socially moderate, reasonable Republican (or, if you want to put it a little more ambitiously, the socially moderate, reasonable Republican on cable news). In the trailer, right-wing talk radio is already hating on McAvoy and his denouncement of American exceptionalism, but in “Newsroom,” if not in the real world, the right’s ire shouldn’t hurt McAvoy too much: Sorkin’s going to give him a voice, and make him a hero, among liberals anyway.

Zappa is not dead. He just smells funny.

[ Dernière édition du message le 02/04/2012 à 20:13:55 ]

Texte blanc sur fond bleu ciel : très bonne idée. :|

[ Dernière édition du message le 02/04/2012 à 20:59:06 ]

J'ai failli poster pareil mais je me suis dit que c'était trop méchant. Sinon, elle a l'air bien cette série, je crois qu'elle va rejoindre ma liste.

- Vous êtes contre tout ce qui a été fait depuis la dernière guerre...
- Vous vous trompez de date. Je suis contre tout ce qui a été fait depuis Adam


Rasko est à peine revenu soyez gentil !  mrgreen

Avertissement: ce message peut contenir des arachides.


Bande de râleuses, vous voulez pas une traduction en patagon en plus ?


The trailer for HBO’s “Newsroom,” Aaron Sorkin’s forthcoming drama, set behind-the-scenes of a cable news program, debuted last night. In it, the well-respected news anchor Will McAvoy’s (Jeff Daniels) long-held political neutrality is finally exploded when he is hectored into explaining “Why America is the greatest country in the world.” His answer is an exasperated “It’s not the greatest country in the world.” McAvoy continues in the most condescending tones to address the blond college student who asked the question: “Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there’s some things you should know,” he says, before unleashing a barrage of statistics about America’s relative incompetence. In other words, it’s classic Sorkin — rapid fire, dense, smart, patronizing and morally outraged — except for one thing. Will McAvoy is a Republican.

Over the course of his career, Sorkin has tapped into a liberal fantasy of politics more regularly than probably anyone. In “The West Wing” Sorkin created the dream Democrat, President Josiah Bartlett, not just an erudite and morally impregnable man, but one who wielded his intelligence like a sword. When pushed, Bartlett pushed back, with logic and truth, righteousness and all the Bible quotes he needed.

Bartlett may be Sorkin’s most famous liberal fantasia, but he’s not his only one. He created two more in the presidential election that took place in later seasons of “West Wing,” a face off between the inspiring, Hispanic candidate Matt Santos, a character who was loosely based on the not-yet-president Barack Obama, and the socially moderate, fiscally conservative, pro-choice Republican Arnold Vinick, Sorkin’s first stab at creating a Republican a Democrat could love.

Then in Sorkin’s disastrous “Studio 60,” set behind the scenes of a “Saturday Night Live”-type show, Sorkin introduced another fantasy, the relatively liberal believer. Harriet Hayes, who was based on Sorkin’s ex-girlfriend Kristin Chenowith, was (supposed to be) a supremely talented performer and devout Christian, with a more or less nuanced take on social issues and an active sense of humor despite her faith.

And now here’s Will McAvoy: “I’m a registered Republican,” he says. “I only seem liberal because I believe hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.” Forget presidents who can slay conservative ideologues with their words, the fantasy Sorkin’s trafficking in now is that endangered species, the socially moderate, reasonable Republican (or, if you want to put it a little more ambitiously, the socially moderate, reasonable Republican on cable news). In the trailer, right-wing talk radio is already hating on McAvoy and his denouncement of American exceptionalism, but in “Newsroom,” if not in the real world, the right’s ire shouldn’t hurt McAvoy too much: Sorkin’s going to give him a voice, and make him a hero, among liberals anyway.

Zappa is not dead. He just smells funny.

[ Dernière édition du message le 02/04/2012 à 21:15:33 ]

Rasko ! La puce ! Bienvenu et bon retour ;) Les apéros te manquaient...

mmmh, je voudrais pas abuser mais on peut l'avoir en français ?...











Et s'il le faut j'emploierai de moyens légos !

Fallait mieux travailler en 5ème petit.

what the fuck are you insinuating ?!  mrgreen

sté juste pour titiller Rasko, quoi !


Et s'il le faut j'emploierai de moyens légos !



Citation :


Le deuxième épisode de la saison 2 de la série à succès "Game of Thrones", diffusée aux Etats-Unis par la chaîne HBO, a semble-t-il été mis en ligne par erreur sur HBO Go, le système de télévision de rattrapage de la chaîne. Téléchargé par des utilisateurs, l'épisode a été diffusé sur plusieurs réseaux de téléchargement en P2P ou de streaming illégal. Le fichier, qui semble authentique, porte le logo de HBO GO.

"Game of Thrones", en français "Le Trône de fer", est une adaptation de la série de romans de George R.R. Martin, qui décrit des intrigues politiques complexes dans un monde médiéval. Le premier épisode de la deuxième saison de la série, diffusé la semaine dernière aux Etats-Unis, a connu un immense succès d'audience, avec une part de marché en hausse de plus de 75 %. 6,3 millions de téléspectateurs avaient regardé cet épisode, d'après les chiffres du Forbes(attention, l'article dévoile des éléments de l'intrigue).




Dans un monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux. G.Debord.