[News] Apple MacBook Pro 1,83GHz
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Si tu n'es pas trop pressé, tu devrais à mon avis attendre un peu que les premières machines soient livrées, et que les màj des softs sortent. Dans 3 ou 4 mois, on y verra sans doute plus clair.
et si on est pressé
vaut mieux prendre un powerbook 1.67MHz
Citation : l'imac intel est nettement plus confortable au niveau de l'interface (fluidite, probleme qui m'horripile sur mac os x)
comme je te comprends
Pov Gabou
Citation :
vaut mieux prendre un powerbook 1.67MHz
Franchement, acheter un powerbook G4 aujourd'hui, ca me parait vraiment une connerie. Le prix est quasiment le meme, pour des specifications qui n'ont mais alors rien a voir. Si les powerbook etaient brades, je comprendrais, mais la (en france, c'est peut etre different, mais au Japon, il y a meme pas 30 euros de difference entre le mac book pro et le powerbook 15 pouces !!!!!!)
Pov Gabou
Pov Gabou
Citation :
So, I got in a little late (about an hour, but I only missed the check-in). took a seat in a conference room, and watched two men from Apple Europe talk about iLife '06, iWork '06, the Intel iMac, and of course the MacBook Pro. Little new information got presented here, since I already watched the keynote from Steve Jobs.
# After the presentation, the opportunity was there to ask questions. Here are a few notes, things Steve Jobs did not mention in his keynote: iMovie HD now works with iSight. This was an often-reuqested feature;
# The speaker was not sure if PPC plug-ins for iMovie worked using Rosetta;
# GarageBand automagically optimizes for which microphone you are using (built-in, USB, etc.);
# iWeb also works without .Mac. You can just save the webpage to a directory and then upload that to your own webspace;
# They removed FireWire 800 and S-video because customers had shown little interest in them.
# The remote on the MacBook Pro is the same as the one on the iMac, but this one can also be used with Keynote;
# They could not provide information on battery life yet, as they are still tweaking the software for better battery life.
MacBook Pro
Then we got on to the really interesting part: actually using the Intel Macs. My attention was obviously drawn to the MacBook Pro. The machine is blazingly fast, but I'm not sure how much of that speed can be attributed to the for me enormous amount of RAM it packed (2 GB, I'm only used to Macs with either 512MB or 1GB). Front Row was noticeably faster than on the iMac G5 1.9Ghz 1GB I reviewed. Same goes for the entire iLife suite; especially iPhoto '06 is so much faster than its predecessor (which is close to unusable). Again, it is difficult to say if this can be attributed to the machine, or to the new version of iPhoto.
I'm not sure what to think of the MacBook Pro. While I find it a good looking machine, I'm having a hard time trying to find the usefulness in adding a webcam and Front Row to a laptop targeted at professionals. On an iBook, I can understand it. However, I think professionals have more use in PCMCIA slots and modems (ie. digital photographers go to every corner of the globe, and broadband isn't as widespread as dial-up internet).
In any case, expect a detailed review of the MacBook Pro somewhere in February. I'll withhold my final word until I've used it more extensively.
Hors sujet : Histoire de mettre un peu de l'huile sur le feu...
Sony VS Apple
Si avant on pouvait pretexter la différence de matos, les procs IBM plus chers, toussa... qu'en est il aujourd'hui ???
Je ne souhaites pas polémiquer sur MAC VS PC mais juste vous montrer la super carotte d'apple ...
y fo pas déconner comme meme...
Qu'est ce que ça vous inspire?
En meme temps, je suis juste là pour flagger c'est tout ...
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