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réactions à la news [NAMM] Montage, nouveau synthé Yamaha

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Sujet de la discussion [NAMM] Montage, nouveau synthé Yamaha

Autre grosse rumeur qui courait dans les tuyaux numériques depuis quelques jours, le synthétiseur Yamaha Montage. Voici les premières infos.

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[ Dernière édition du message le 14/01/2016 à 17:31:35 ]

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Du coup c'est un vrai chip FM ou c'est une émulation ?
J'ai pas fait gaffe.

Instruments Kontakt gratuits / FLUIDSHELL Design
Démos Audio / Soundcloud BTSLa chaîne YouTube

"001001001111010010010010100010 !" Mireille DAC.

Je crois que les réponses arriveront bientôt... ;)

Mais Yamaha répond bien aux attentes sur ce coup tout en conservant des contraintes industrielles. C'est clairement un flagship: clavier avec aftertouch... donc haut de gamme.
Pas facile de savoir si la coque est en plastique sur la photo ???
Et même si c'est le cas, cela répond à beaucoup qui désire des machines légères et plus facilement transportables !
Après il y a beaucoup de flous bien sur dans l'annonce.

Ce n'est pas plus honteux qu'un Kronos 2 qui corrigent juste les bugs d'aération + mise à jour logiciel. Il y a au moins un peu de R&D ici: Yamaha semble avoir fait le job !
De toute façon ce n'est pas avec ça (haut de gamme) qu'ils vont devenir riches... faut pas attendre de révolution.
J'attendais depuis pas mal de temps un successeur qui soit une sorte de Motif XXL.
Avec des sons tellement bons qu'ils puissent faire peur aux Korg Kronos, Roland Fa, Kurzweil PC3A8...

Avec ce "Montage" voila enfin des grandes touches, un aftertouch,un Ruban tactile
Le doublage de la polyphonie en 256 ( ça change de 4 !)
Du son Fm (je suis tombé amoureux du Dx7 sur le tard, en 2015 !)ça commence déjà bien tout ça !

Mais ce qui est important pour moi c'est bien les sons, le grain.
J'aimerais bien que ce soit au moins aussi expressif et réaliste qu'un integra par exemple.

j’espère que ce " montage" sera en progression sonore par rapport aux Motif Xf et le moxf
(qui ont quand mème de très bon sons c'est indéniable )

J'attends donc d'en savoir plus et de pouvoir voir et entendre les futures démos
avant d’encenser ou de critiquer trop facilement cette nouveauté.

La musique est un cri qui vient de l'intérieur.

C'est intéressant ce nouveau synthé qui arrive dans l’ébullition analogique actuelle. Avec 256 voix de polyphonie c'est en tout cas clairement une machine dédiée au claviéristes et pianistes. Je suis curieux de voir la qualité des sons piano qu'il présentera.
Citation :
Ca m'étonnerait que le prix dépasse les 1500 euros , et encore .
Vu la coque extérieure en plastique ça devrait être même moins à mon avis pour un 61.

Avec un clavier FSX ça va être dans les prix du Motif XF.




Motion Control Synthesis Engine unifies and controls two iconic Sound Engines: AWM2 (high-quality waveform and subtractive synthesis) and FM-X (modern, pure Frequency Modulation synthesis.) These two engines can be freely zoned or layered across eight parts in a single MONTAGE Performance.

Interact with MONTAGE Performances using Motion Control: a highly programmable control matrix for creating deep, dynamic and incredibly expressive sound. With Motion Control, you can create new sounds not possible on previous hardware synthesizers.

1. Sophisticated Dynamic Control

Music is expression. MONTAGE adds a new level of expression with the Motion Control Synthesis Engine. This engine allows a variety of methods to interact with and channel your creativity into finding your own unique sound.

- Super Knob

Create dynamic sound changes from radical to sublime with the Super Knob. The Super Knob can control multiple parameters simultaneously resulting in anything you can imagine.

For example: change your listening position from right in front of an instrument to in the back seat of a concert hall. Or radically change the character of a Performance from atmospheric and mellow to rhythmic and edgy.

The Super Knob can even be assigned to a second FC7 foot controller making it easy to manipulate the sound when playing with both hands.

- Motion SEQ

Motion Sequences are tempo-synchronized, completely customizable control sequences that can be assigned to virtually any synthesizer parameter and provide incredible creative new ways of programming sound.

Motion Sequences also have dedicated controls on the front panel making it easy to manipulate and change in real-time, providing incredible interactivity and expression.
- Envelope Follower


The Envelope Follower converts audio into a control source for control of virtually any synthesizer parameter. For example, a drum loop could drive effects parameters for a cool rhythms or a vocal recording could control multiple parameters for a “talking” synthesizer. The audio can even be a “live” source through the A/D input.

2. Massive Sound Creation

MONTAGE features two Iconic Sound Engines modernized for amazing sound playback and complex sound design.

- AWM2

Powered by proprietary Yamaha technology for data compression and sound playback, AWM2 allows tremendous data compression without sound quality loss for unparalleled, realistic sound reproduction.

128-Note, Stereo polyphony
Experience rich stereo sound without halving the available number of notes.

Waveform Capacity
MONTAGE features nearly 10 times the waveform capacity of the MOTIF XF, allowing more samples per instrument for incredibly realistic and nuanced sound.

Integrated Flash Memory
MONTAGE includes 1.75 GB of user flash memory with high speed reading/writing for your own custom samples or synth libraries from

- FM-X

An amazingly sophisticated pure synthesizer engine capable of producing classic ‘80s or cutting-edge EDM sound with incredible dynamic range, power and fidelity. MONTAGE features an 8-operator FM architecture and 128-note polyphony, allowing for a massive array of sound design options.
- Content

Every instrument needs great content to inspire your creativity. MONTAGE features a huge range of incredible sounds like a brand-new Yamaha CFX Premium Grand Piano, detailed new strings and woodwinds and select content from the DX and TX family, all modernized to take advantage of the Motion Control Synthesis Engine.

MONTAGE is directly compatible with Motif XF Voices. Yamaha is developing an FM converter to make it compatible with DX7 series Voices as well.

Bösendorfer Piano
As part of the MONTAGE introduction, Yamaha is pleased to offer an incredible Bösendorfer Imperial Premium Grand Piano.

- Effects

From high definition reverbs to incredibly detailed Virtual Circuit Modeling (VCM) effects, MONTAGE is loaded with DSP innovation, power and, most importantly, sound quality. Use effects like Beat Repeat, Vinyl Break or Bit Crusher to get a modern EDM sound. You can even add a compressor with sidechain for a modern “ducking” effect. Or go retro with vintage effects like Analog Delay, VCM Phaser or a variety of Amp Simulators. Piano players will appreciate piano-focused effects like Damper Resonance for a super-realistic piano experience and the HD reverbs that let you put yourself in any performance space.
- Pure Analog Circuit

MONTAGE features professional balanced outputs with “Pure Analog Circuit” (PAC). PAC improves the quality of signal after being converted to analog from digital for clear harmonic reproduction and even frequency response. The result is an output capable of reproducing MONTAGE’s internal content expressively with power and clarity.
3. Streamlined Workflow

How do you want to integrate your instrument with your system? How do you want to organize the onboard content? How do you want to interact with the instrument while you play? MONTAGE answers these questions and more with a flexible, streamlined workflow.

- USB Audio/MIDI Connection

Connect MONTAGE to your computer with a single USB cable and capture every nuance of your creativity into your DAW. MONTAGE’s powerful USB driver can send 16 and receive 3 channels of STEREO 24 bit/44.1 kHz digital audio to/from your computer or iOS device (MONTAGE is class compliant, no driver needed!), no other hardware required!

The USB connection also features full MIDI support of 16 channels.

* MONTAGE supports the sampling rate up to 192 kHz.
- SSS (Seamless Sound Switching)

Seamless Sound Switching (SSS) lets you change performances seamlessly without any cut-off in envelope or effects. This is perfect for live performances where you end one song and start another without stopping.

* This function is only available for Performances that have a maximum of 8 parts.
- A/D Input

The A/D input processes external audio sources with your instrument’s DSP. Use mics, guitars or any line source as an input and process with the internal effects.

You can even use these sources with the Envelope Follower or Sidechain for a truly unique sound.
- Physical Control

Eight Rotary Encoders and Faders with Stepladder LED

MONTAGE features a comprehensive set of physical controls for intuitive music making and sound creation.

Touch Screen
Select and change parameters directly with the new color touch screen.

Eight Rotary Encoders and Faders with Stepladder LED
Stepladder LEDs next to the faders indicate position making it easy to see where your current mix position is.

Keyboard Action
MONTAGE is available in three different configurations:

MONTAGE6 and 7 feature the premium FSX semi-weighted synthesizer action with aftertouch in 61 and 76 keys respectively.

MONTAGE8 features an 88 key, fully-weighted Balanced Hammer action with aftertouch. This provides equal resistance for each key across the keyboard and is perfect for playing a variety of instruments from acoustic piano to electric piano, synth sounds, organ and more!


Live Set lets you organize your Performances however you want without copying, changing order or renaming. When a Performance is selected, you can easily register it to a Live Set. This is perfect for playing gigs or even creating your own organization scheme for Performances.
- Direct Control Assignment

Direct Control Assignment assigns controls at the touch of a button. Simply select a parameter, hit the Direct Control Assignment button and move the controller to control that parameter. It’s easy!
- Cubase AI bundle

MONTAGE is bundled with Cubase AI, Steinberg's professional music production application that offers integrated recording and editing.
Le même en rack ça serait top.

Instruments Kontakt gratuits / FLUIDSHELL Design
Démos Audio / Soundcloud BTSLa chaîne YouTube

"001001001111010010010010100010 !" Mireille DAC.

Merci pour le cache de bing !
On peux y lire ceci :

AWM2 : 128-Note, Stereo polyphony
Experience rich stereo sound without halving the available number of notes.

MONTAGE is directly compatible with Motif XF Voices. Yamaha is developing an FM converter to make it compatible with DX7 series Voices as well.

Waveform Capacity :
MONTAGE features nearly 10 times the waveform capacity of the MOTIF XF,
allowing more samples per instrument for incredibly realistic and nuanced sound.

ça s'annonce bien tout ça !

La musique est un cri qui vient de l'intérieur.

Citation :
La grosse nouveauté sur ce Montage, Yamaha a combiné deux moteurs de synthèse : l’AWM2 pour la lecture de samples, et le FM-X, le fabricant montrant ainsi le retour en force de la synthèse à modulation de fréquences.

Grosse nouveauté ? On se croirait revenu dans les années 90's là... et pourquoi alors ne pas avoir embarquer aussi le moteur du Fs1r, dommage... Malgré tout ce Montage devrait sonner d'enfer :bravo:
C'est vrai que le moteur Fs1r dedans ça aurait été indéniablement un plus
(compte tenu de la rareté de l'expandeur même pas sortie en version clavier)
j'ai hâte de l'entendre ce montage !
Finalement j'hésite et j'attendrais donc un peu avant d'acheter un moxf8 !

La musique est un cri qui vient de l'intérieur.