réactions à la news Arturia dévoile le DrumBrute
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Banshee in Avalon
Administrateur·trice du site
Membre depuis 17 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 07/10/2016 à 11:58:15Arturia dévoile le DrumBrute
Grosse annonce ce matin chez Arturia, qui lève le voile sur sa dernière machine analogique, la boîte à rythmes et séquenceur DrumBrute.
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Ce thread a été créé automatiquement suite à la publication d'une news pour ce produit. N'hésitez pas à poster vos commentaires ici !
Freud it out
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 20 ans
71 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:01:28
moi flager aussi
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 19 ans
72 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:13:20
ça fait des mois et plus que j'attends ça !!! j'ai revendu mon elektron en medisant... pardon, en me disant :
mais M... qui va sortir une vrai BAR facile d'utilisation qui ne soit pas non plus une resucée vintage poussiéreuse has been...
Arturia m'a entendu et en un temps record a sorti cette merveille !!!
Vous pouvez me remercier les gas, c'est un peu grâce à moi !
mais M... qui va sortir une vrai BAR facile d'utilisation qui ne soit pas non plus une resucée vintage poussiéreuse has been...
Arturia m'a entendu et en un temps record a sorti cette merveille !!!
Vous pouvez me remercier les gas, c'est un peu grâce à moi !
Membre depuis 15 ans
73 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:15:01
Un petit mot (en anglais) du big boss d'Arturia.
Sortie fin novembre
Hello everyone,
I have read most posts on this thread. While the usual approach companies follow with this kind of avalanche is to consider critics that are too excessive are meaningless, myself and the Arturia team listen to critics and always try to improve. We actually have, I believe, over the past years.
Our service has very much improved and we are working on making it even more efficient. Looking at the average time it takes to help a customer with his piece of software, or service a broken unit, we are now in line with the best in the industry. We are looking at doing better as we have always considered that good customer service is a due. I agree we were not up to this statement a few years ago.
The quality of our instruments has also grown too. Our stats show that we have have had less 1,5% faulty hardware units over the past 12 months. (I am not talking DOA, Dead On Arrival, or just units sold during that period, but percentage over the entire product base in the market). This is still too much for us and we have an internal target to go beyond 1%. As for software, reviewers and customers have said that V Collection was best in its class for innovation, quality and performance.
We have continuously maintained our software instruments since 2003. We have published updates for BeatStep and BeatStep Pro, Spark, Origin.... Our Hardware instruments are well maintained.
Some products of course have been discontinued, like Origin. We are still servicing units, even if they were bought six or seven years ago and we have made stocks of parts to be able to service our discontinued products for many years.
We tend to announce products too early. Yes!
We have in the case of AudioFuse. At some point I have made clear to the team that we would not rush it in any way and would release this interface until it's perfect. So we may indeed look a bit stupid but when the AudioFuse comes out it will be of the best possible product that it can be. We've had an extra year to develop it, improve the quality, low latency, so we can provide the best audio interface. Hopefully you will agree that it would have been worth the wait. As for MatrixBrute, it will be hitting the stores in December, which is not that far from announcement. Here again we are doing what it takes to make it really good. When we showed it at NAMM we were all convinced we were a few months away from delivery . But input from testers, customers, small details, sound design... has taken more time than we thought. We will be more careful next time.
Regarding DrumBrute the product will be in store before the end of November.
As a conclusion I will say that we are building instruments we are proud of. The Arturia team is working hard and committed to offering products you can rely on. We really hope you can be proud of the instruments you buy from us, if you do. This is our goal. As we are shipping more and more products every year, which is probably another answer to critics, there will probably always be a few issues. But we are committed to taking them and carry on.
Frederic Brun
Arturia, Founder and CEO
Sortie fin novembre
Hello everyone,
I have read most posts on this thread. While the usual approach companies follow with this kind of avalanche is to consider critics that are too excessive are meaningless, myself and the Arturia team listen to critics and always try to improve. We actually have, I believe, over the past years.
Our service has very much improved and we are working on making it even more efficient. Looking at the average time it takes to help a customer with his piece of software, or service a broken unit, we are now in line with the best in the industry. We are looking at doing better as we have always considered that good customer service is a due. I agree we were not up to this statement a few years ago.
The quality of our instruments has also grown too. Our stats show that we have have had less 1,5% faulty hardware units over the past 12 months. (I am not talking DOA, Dead On Arrival, or just units sold during that period, but percentage over the entire product base in the market). This is still too much for us and we have an internal target to go beyond 1%. As for software, reviewers and customers have said that V Collection was best in its class for innovation, quality and performance.
We have continuously maintained our software instruments since 2003. We have published updates for BeatStep and BeatStep Pro, Spark, Origin.... Our Hardware instruments are well maintained.
Some products of course have been discontinued, like Origin. We are still servicing units, even if they were bought six or seven years ago and we have made stocks of parts to be able to service our discontinued products for many years.
We tend to announce products too early. Yes!
We have in the case of AudioFuse. At some point I have made clear to the team that we would not rush it in any way and would release this interface until it's perfect. So we may indeed look a bit stupid but when the AudioFuse comes out it will be of the best possible product that it can be. We've had an extra year to develop it, improve the quality, low latency, so we can provide the best audio interface. Hopefully you will agree that it would have been worth the wait. As for MatrixBrute, it will be hitting the stores in December, which is not that far from announcement. Here again we are doing what it takes to make it really good. When we showed it at NAMM we were all convinced we were a few months away from delivery . But input from testers, customers, small details, sound design... has taken more time than we thought. We will be more careful next time.
Regarding DrumBrute the product will be in store before the end of November.
As a conclusion I will say that we are building instruments we are proud of. The Arturia team is working hard and committed to offering products you can rely on. We really hope you can be proud of the instruments you buy from us, if you do. This is our goal. As we are shipping more and more products every year, which is probably another answer to critics, there will probably always be a few issues. But we are committed to taking them and carry on.
Frederic Brun
Arturia, Founder and CEO
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 20 ans
74 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:17:33
Quand c'est des samples, "on peut rien en faire"
Quand c'est numérique, "C'est numérique !"
Quand c'est du numérique qui recréer du circuit analogique, "c'est cher, ca sonne pas, c'est pourri"
Quand c'est de l'analogique, "c'est mou".
A un moment, faut faire de la musique
Surtout qu'un son un peu sous dimensionné, tu peux en faire quelque chose (Fx, Mix...), un son poussé, tu le feras jamais sortir de ce qu'il fait et il sonnera toujours pareil.
Et si c'est pour sonner toujours pareil, prend un sample
Quand c'est numérique, "C'est numérique !"
Quand c'est du numérique qui recréer du circuit analogique, "c'est cher, ca sonne pas, c'est pourri"
Quand c'est de l'analogique, "c'est mou".
A un moment, faut faire de la musique
Surtout qu'un son un peu sous dimensionné, tu peux en faire quelque chose (Fx, Mix...), un son poussé, tu le feras jamais sortir de ce qu'il fait et il sonnera toujours pareil.
Et si c'est pour sonner toujours pareil, prend un sample
Il ne faut pas confondre les fa chauds et les mi-cuits.
Projet en cours : 50NDM - 1 morceau par semaine durant 1 an ^^
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 20 ans
75 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:18:42
Citation de kleimkleim :
C'est fou comme ils la mettent profond à ce bon vieux Roland ...
Attendons de voir, un produit Roland 30 ans après il fonctionne encore, un Arturia MicroBrute neuf il est déjà en panne...
Ground control to Major Tom...
[ Dernière édition du message le 07/10/2016 à 16:19:58 ]
Mr Funk
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 22 ans
76 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:28:40
C'est pour ca j'ai pris du sample sur une machine qui sonne
Membre depuis 15 ans
77 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:38:08
Citation de phm78 :
Citation de kleimkleim :C'est fou comme ils la mettent profond à ce bon vieux Roland ...
Attendons de voir, un produit Roland 30 ans après il fonctionne encore, un Arturia MicroBrute neuf il est déjà en panne...
Je pense que kleimkleim parlait du Roland actuel et là, il a plutôt raison ! L'époque bénie (70's-80's) est malheureusement révolue pour Roland qui nous a tant fait rêver avec tous ces instruments légendaires Ceci-dit, Arturia est bien parti pour prendre la relève et supplanter cette ex-merveilleuse marque. En plus ils sont français, bravo les froggies !
[ Dernière édition du message le 07/10/2016 à 16:38:50 ]
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 16 ans
78 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:48:20
Bravo Arturia, il m'en faut une !!!
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 19 ans
79 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:54:14
je lis par ci par là que ça sonne mou ! a ceux là je demande qui sera président en 2017 Car pour donner un avis aussi tranché sur 2 démos c'est une performance qui relève de la carto mancie !
Ce qui est sûr c'est qu'il ya de nombreuse possibilité, je n'ai pas l' IMPRESSION que les sons soit mauvais çà A LAIR de bien sonner sur mes enceintes !
les sorties séparées offrent moulte possibilités y compris de re sculpter le son !
elle couterait 1500 euros que ce serait du foutage de gueule mais à ce prix !!! on reste largement gagnant !
Ce qui est sûr c'est qu'il ya de nombreuse possibilité, je n'ai pas l' IMPRESSION que les sons soit mauvais çà A LAIR de bien sonner sur mes enceintes !
les sorties séparées offrent moulte possibilités y compris de re sculpter le son !
elle couterait 1500 euros que ce serait du foutage de gueule mais à ce prix !!! on reste largement gagnant !
the ephemeral
Membre depuis 9 ans
80 Posté le 07/10/2016 à 16:56:15
Citation :
Joli pied de nez à Roland
Et un peu à Korg aussi en passant ... Le Volca Kick coûte + d'un tiers du prix de celui du DrumBrute !
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