Forum E5000Ultra
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Bon en tout cas avec tout les possesseurs de E5000 qui'il ya mainteant sur audiofanzine, et ben j'ai toujours pas eu ma réponse concernant la page multi.
Je reprends donc, j'aimerais comprendre pkoi, je retombe toujours sur cette page a l'allumage de mon sampler une fois que j'ai effectué des opérations dans cette dernière.
Merci d'avance
_Cobi_ The Real
fait chier rien a faire impossible de le lire ce machin
Citation : sur le site de univers son que otut les sampleurs de la gamme ultra était livré avec un sof appelé EOS link Software
C'est pas le logiciel qui sert a piloter le sampler avec un ordi. Une sorte de Mesa pour E-mu.
Je crois avoir lu un truc la dessus aussi sur une doc de guillard.
Citation : Comprends pas ya vraiment que ce cd qui passe pas...Meme dnas le PC impossible de le lire
Peut-être qu'avec CD-extract, il est lisible sur PC ce disk
Il y a un peu de tout, c'est assé généraliste, piano, percu, Kit, guitare, violon , saxo, basse, FX,etc....... même une bagnole qui démarre, génial. Il y a quelques loops,mais en général tout est séparé.
Il y a un dossier rom preset, j'ai chargé, et il te met 1000 preset dans la machine mais ne vous emballez les gars, ils ne fonctionnent pas, faut une rom en option je suppose pour que cela fonctionne.
Sinon, niveau achat, je crois que c'est une sacrée bonne affaire, très fun comme sampleur, un côté ludique que n'a pas un K2500( qui reste mon préféré, faut pas déconner non plus), bref très complèmentaire...philosophie très intéressante qui déroute.....5 minutes puis après ça roule.
Je crois qu'il a de beaux jours devant lui
kand je le fout dans le graveur des fois il me dis meme que le cd n'est pas formater!!!
Je me demande si j'ai vriament kelkechose sur le cd moi, le sampleur ne voit rien du tout, il ne boote que sur le lecteur de diskette.Dany je sens que je vais faire une copie du tient :p
Mias bon j'ai un dur et un autre lecteur dans un rack faut juste que je rachete un cable scsi et la je penses que ca devrait le faire.Pour l'instant c le cd le plus interressant meme c pas transcendant mais ya moyen de faire des trucs.
Saper Lipopette
Citation : Bon les gars, est ce que vous rencontré le meme prob que moi, quénd vous allez dans le menu multi, et que vous éteignez votre machien, vous la rallumez et vous vous retrouvez a cette page.Je tiens a preciser que ca n'arrive k'avec cette page et je ne comprends pas pkoi?Ya t'il une option a désactiver ou a activer, j'ai bo chercher dans le menu MASTER, je ne trouve rein sur la configuration des pages (Dans mon a3000 on peut décider sur qu'elle page on atterit lors de l'allumage de la machine)
Merci d'avance
Lu cobi
Pour arrété qu'il te ramène toujours à la table multi, il faut que tu sois dans "preset manager" je crois, puis tu doit avoir à valider l'option "MODE" en bas de l'écran puis tu choisi "WHOLE"... et aprés tu as comme page par defaut la page de sélection d'un preset...
Ca devrait etre ca ;)
You're talking of EOSLink, right ?
In short: it sucks.
In long: it sucks, sucks, sucks.
EOSLink is a tiny and crude (and i mean really crude) remote control for
the Emu. It actually displays the buttons of your sampler and even its
display. That's about it. Tough it relies on a SCSI connection between
sampler and computer it is incredibly slow, which may be due to the fact
that it doesn't request the *information* which is written on the
sampler's display, but it actually downloads the complete pixel-by-pixel
bitmap of the LCD, a screenshot so-to-speak every second or so, which
BTW induces massive amounts of SCSI noise.
Since it does not *know* what is actually written there, you can't click
on anything else than the black buttons (which are virtual replicas of
the real buttons) and the soft buttons of the display (which are virtual
replicas of virtual replicas of real buttons). Ahem.
The one and only feature it has which does make sense to me at all is
the ability to use the mac's keyboard to name banks (which for some
reason is the only thing that SoundDiver can't do). But wait, do not
type faster than one or two letters per second or it will hiccup and
write lots of garbage where you wanted to type
The space bar does not type spaces, it presses the audition button
instead. Well, not my sense of humour, obviously.
Some people claim they don't have to stand up and walk to the sampler
anymore, but i might add that even *if* i had to stand up and walk to
the sampler, i'd still be faster in the end.
Anyway, it costs nothing and that is about what you can expect from it.
Jim Wintermyre then added the following:
Also, when in the disk browser screen in EOSLink, I found that I could
often get the display to freeze in EOSLink, though everything still
worked fine on the E4 unit itself. Quitting and relaunching EOSLink
would not help; I had to reboot the E4 to get EOSLink to talk to it
after one of these freezes. I suspect the freeze had something to do
with the fact that in the disk browser screen SCSI activity to various
attached drives is happening, while at the same time EOSLink is
communicating with the E4 over SCSI, and somehow this would hose the
task in EOS responsible for responding to the screen dump SMDI messages.
For me it seems to be pretty stable in all other screens though.
There are also a couple times where the EOSLink screen doesn't stay in
sync with the E4 screen. The notable one that comes to mind is during
beat munging. That takes all the available processor time on the E4, so
background tasks like the screen dump to EOSLink don't get time to run.
This was all in reply to Reggie's query which went like this:
Hello all, I got the CPU/Flash ram with eoslink software update
yesterday, I have installed everything OK, the sampler works fine.
But, When I use the EOS link software I can hear a pulsed sound. I
phoned EMU and they said to try connecting just the PC to the sampler
(Kind of defeats the object of having the software really doesn't it!)
I tried that anyway and I still get the pulses, I have tried different
cables and it still does it.
Can anyone help?
This is driving me nuts!
You see ?
> To help Richard, weren't there some suggestions to handle the remote function
> in a much better way?
Here is what i wrote about SoundDiver some time ago:
SoundDiver is very efficient at Preset programming, with the exceptions
already pointed out (new undocumented features in EOS4 and the RFX board).
It has very good Librarian features, but because of the nature of a sampler
these fall a bit short since you can't archive your Presets with your
Samples (which again brings me to the question why-o-why E-mu don't allow
us to use a small chunk of that precious CPU Flash RAM for a bunch-o-single
cycle waveforms - presto, instant Esynth that deserves the name). But the
lack of sample archiving in fact makes SD *very* good in creating templates.
It is quite good in browsing any drives attached to the sampler where you
can select multiple samples or presets, even across folders and even disks,
and then load them all in one go. Any selected presets automatically load
their samples.
You can audition samples off disk by simply clicking on them. There is a bug
in EOS however, which can get a bit hairy: When you doubleclick a sample on
disk, it plays to end unless it is looped. If it is looped it will play
infinitely and you can only stop this by clicking on some other sample
(which will then take over and loop on) or preferably another preset. Then
it will stop. But you can't scroll the window in the meantime, so if only
looped samples are visible, you're f****d.
It can show you which samples belong to which Presets at a glance, something
which even the sampler itself can't do. And clicking on a sample shows you
all presets which use it. You can even see which samples aren't used by any
Preset, select them and then kick them out with one keypress. Very
Then it provides LogicAudio with the names of all Presets via Autolink, so
you can choose your sounds in Logic by names as opposed to by numbers. A big
It does not do any sample editing neither on the computer nor remotely thru
MIDI commands in the sampler. The latter is not implemented in EOS. EOSLink
does it remotely by trying to press the same buttons on the front panel.
With little success, i hasten to add.
You can't save the sampler from SD and you can't name or rename banks or
folders. No sysex commands in EOS for that.
But, from my personal view, what makes SD really a gem is that it provides
all your synths, samplers, FX with a unified though individual GUI. So all
envelopes in your setup can be worked the same way, for instance, and all
this speeds things up dramatically, since you don't have to follow some half
dozen weirdo synth engineers' twisted minds as to how a particular parameter
is to be tweaked in different machines.
CD10222 - EOSLink Software $40.00
EOS Link is remote front panel software for the EOS series of Sampler/Synthesizers from E-MU Systems (EOS 4.01 or greater and SCSI connection required). All front panel functions of your Emulator (except volume and power) can now be accessed directly from your computer. Compatible with Windows 95/98 only and Mac OS 8.x minimum.
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