Commentaires sur le test : Deep Impact
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Membre depuis 21 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 15/02/2017 à 15:53:10Commentaires sur le test : Deep Impact
À une époque où les synthés analogiques connaissent un retour en grâce, Behringer lance sa première création, avec pour objectif d’inonder le marché de ses douze douces voix…
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Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 10 ans
651 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 15:34:53
@ShiloKuma : que demande le peuple ? ( enfin moi car le peuple je prefere pas lui demander en ce moment ... Disons un peu de serenité, du calme, de la simplicité, de l'humilité etc.
@deb76 je suis un peu comme toi... Je ne préfère pas compter...
@deb76 je suis un peu comme toi... Je ne préfère pas compter...
[ Dernière édition du message le 04/03/2017 à 15:43:07 ]
652 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 16:12:57
Présentation plus classieuse (bien que moins sexy que
l'assistante de Uli),
du Moog Keith Emerson.
150'000 dollars tout de même,
Uli à pas fait le compte des pièces pour ce modèle
et je sais pas lequel à le meilleurs rapport qualité prix
il faudrait un test Synthwalker Svp.
la moyenne de la note du Deepmind en comptant les avis des utilisateurs et celle du test est de 4.1
et en réécoutant mes jams je trouve le son quand même excellent !
l'assistante de Uli),
du Moog Keith Emerson.
150'000 dollars tout de même,
Uli à pas fait le compte des pièces pour ce modèle
et je sais pas lequel à le meilleurs rapport qualité prix
il faudrait un test Synthwalker Svp.
la moyenne de la note du Deepmind en comptant les avis des utilisateurs et celle du test est de 4.1
et en réécoutant mes jams je trouve le son quand même excellent !
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
653 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 16:24:59
Citation :
je sais pas lequel à le meilleurs rapport qualité prix
Quand tu vois la taille du Moog comparée à celle du Deep Mind tu te dis que par rapport au prix pour le Behringer tu te fais rouler, si tu compare le nombre de Deep Mind que tu peux mettre dans le Moog et le nombre de voix que ça te fais au final tu te dis que le Uli il est dans le bon le gaillard...
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Membre depuis 17 ans
654 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 19:26:07
Behringer Considering a Minimoog Model D Clone
This one spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.
Thoughts? Is this ethical considering Moog Music has already re-issued the original Minimoog Model D? A cheaper clone would undoubtedly hurt Moog's income, potentially making it more difficult for them to make new products. Does that matter to you? Feel free to leave a comment below.
"Thanks for the great feedback. I certainly respect everyone's opinion and emotions.
Allow me to share my view:
Our loyalty is always with our customers and hence we build what they request. This is what we stand for and this will never change.
The general rule and the law clearly describe that technology is free for everyone to use, provided it is not protected. You may have a different personal view, but that's how our society and every industry works - again why the law has been designed the way it is.
In case of the MiniMoog there is no IP (Intellectual Property) involved as the technology is more than 40 years old and all patents have long expired. As a result, the property is now in the public domain, free for everyone to use. Without this principle there would only be one car or synthesizer manufacturer in the world.
For this exact reason you will find many companies who are manufacturing replicas of all sorts, including the MiniMoog - simply google it.
We believe there are two typical types of customers:
The ones who aspire to purchase the original product and provided they can afford the price, they will buy such a high-priced product.
It is well known marketing knowledge, that lower cost and competing products do contribute to more awareness and hence stimulate both ends of the market.
Many companies such as Tesla, Toyota etc. have now opened their patents to the public domain to allow other manufacturers to enter the same market and actually compete with them.
Open source and open innovation are now trends that you'll find in many industries, simply because the benefit of collaboration outweighs protection of your IP.
Our primary customer is not the well-off doctor or lawyer, but the people with much less income. I was a struggling musician myself when I started my business 30 years ago and I made it my mission in life to enable musicians to pursue their musical dreams without financial obstacles.
This is the reason why we work with extremely slim margins and consequentially our focus must be on achieving high volume production as otherwise we couldn't survive.
When you work with such slim margins, aside from research and development, much effort goes into DFM (Design for Manufacturing), DFC (Design for Cost) and production engineering etc.
We employ over 400 engineers in MUSIC Group and we're hiring 100 more. You will find our engineering facilities in the UK, US, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, China, Philippines etc. If you're interested, feel free to drop by at our offices and meet our fantastic people.
Perhaps this synth is a great little project to demonstrate how the design process works and I am happy to involve you in the development.
Since the development has been done 40 years ago, it is a rather minimal engineering effort and once we have a working prototype and a projected price, we can then decide whether we will bring this product to market or not.
Someone here in the forum had a great idea to pack this synth into a compact Eurorack format and this coincides with some of our engineers' ideas. I will have our designers to come up with a quick design draft for you to comment on.
via Gearslutz.
This one spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.
Thoughts? Is this ethical considering Moog Music has already re-issued the original Minimoog Model D? A cheaper clone would undoubtedly hurt Moog's income, potentially making it more difficult for them to make new products. Does that matter to you? Feel free to leave a comment below.
"Thanks for the great feedback. I certainly respect everyone's opinion and emotions.
Allow me to share my view:
Our loyalty is always with our customers and hence we build what they request. This is what we stand for and this will never change.
The general rule and the law clearly describe that technology is free for everyone to use, provided it is not protected. You may have a different personal view, but that's how our society and every industry works - again why the law has been designed the way it is.
In case of the MiniMoog there is no IP (Intellectual Property) involved as the technology is more than 40 years old and all patents have long expired. As a result, the property is now in the public domain, free for everyone to use. Without this principle there would only be one car or synthesizer manufacturer in the world.
For this exact reason you will find many companies who are manufacturing replicas of all sorts, including the MiniMoog - simply google it.
We believe there are two typical types of customers:
The ones who aspire to purchase the original product and provided they can afford the price, they will buy such a high-priced product.
It is well known marketing knowledge, that lower cost and competing products do contribute to more awareness and hence stimulate both ends of the market.
Many companies such as Tesla, Toyota etc. have now opened their patents to the public domain to allow other manufacturers to enter the same market and actually compete with them.
Open source and open innovation are now trends that you'll find in many industries, simply because the benefit of collaboration outweighs protection of your IP.
Our primary customer is not the well-off doctor or lawyer, but the people with much less income. I was a struggling musician myself when I started my business 30 years ago and I made it my mission in life to enable musicians to pursue their musical dreams without financial obstacles.
This is the reason why we work with extremely slim margins and consequentially our focus must be on achieving high volume production as otherwise we couldn't survive.
When you work with such slim margins, aside from research and development, much effort goes into DFM (Design for Manufacturing), DFC (Design for Cost) and production engineering etc.
We employ over 400 engineers in MUSIC Group and we're hiring 100 more. You will find our engineering facilities in the UK, US, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, China, Philippines etc. If you're interested, feel free to drop by at our offices and meet our fantastic people.
Perhaps this synth is a great little project to demonstrate how the design process works and I am happy to involve you in the development.
Since the development has been done 40 years ago, it is a rather minimal engineering effort and once we have a working prototype and a projected price, we can then decide whether we will bring this product to market or not.
Someone here in the forum had a great idea to pack this synth into a compact Eurorack format and this coincides with some of our engineers' ideas. I will have our designers to come up with a quick design draft for you to comment on.
via Gearslutz.
Qu'importe les moyens, seul le résultat compte
Je poste, donc je suis
Membre depuis 18 ans
655 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 19:37:56
"We employ over 400 engineers in MUSIC Group and we're hiring 100 more. You will find our engineering facilities in the UK, US, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, China, Philippines etc. If you're interested, feel free to drop by at our offices and meet our fantastic people. "
ah... dommage pour nous les francais...
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 16 ans
656 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 19:39:26
Ca va plaire a Synthwalker ça
En gros c'est l'apologie du pillage industriel son discours..
Le concept : sans plagiat on rouleraient tous avec la même voiture? Ca veut rien dire . Tout le monde roule en 2 CV ou en Ford T?
La fin justifie les moyens, tout le monde a le droit de cloner un Minimoog et de le commercialiser, il est entré dans le domaine public?
Hum hum.. ça me fait penser à M Pokora qui ressort un album complet de reprises de Claude François.. va s y le risque artistique, et bonjour la machine à fric. Enfin Uli?
En gros c'est l'apologie du pillage industriel son discours..
Le concept : sans plagiat on rouleraient tous avec la même voiture? Ca veut rien dire . Tout le monde roule en 2 CV ou en Ford T?
La fin justifie les moyens, tout le monde a le droit de cloner un Minimoog et de le commercialiser, il est entré dans le domaine public?
Hum hum.. ça me fait penser à M Pokora qui ressort un album complet de reprises de Claude François.. va s y le risque artistique, et bonjour la machine à fric. Enfin Uli?
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 16 ans
657 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 19:43:23
Uli le Donald Trump du synthetiseur?
Je poste, donc je suis
Membre depuis 18 ans
658 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 19:58:27
Trump c'est tout l'inverse puisque plutôt orienté protectionnisme.: je ne loue pas la politique de Trump mais Je ne trouve pas que cela soit comparable.
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 16 ans
659 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 20:07:36
Non mais je pars en cacahuete, c'est infondé bien sur. C'est juste qu'on à l'impression que Uli prend le melon un peu.. enfin je m'en fou unde Behringer en fait, neanmoins le discours sent bien le ponte industriel, la musique pour le peuple et j'me fais pas de marge, ça me permet de me donner bonne conscience pour piller à droite à gauche, et je fais des economies sur la R&D.. je trouve qu'il lâche trop d'infos sur sa strategie, et c'est jamais bon.. je vous dit tout faite moi confiance. Moi ça me fait l'effet inverse.
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
660 Posté le 04/03/2017 à 21:11:03
Si on entre en musique comme en politique dans le poujadisme de bon aloi, va falloir se remettre à tapoter sur des cailloux creux avec des bouts de bois rongés par les termites pour garder le rien de conscience qui nous permettra la mauvaise foi quotidienne...
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
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