- Filter 1 is SEM based and digital
- Filter 2 is taken from the Prophet 5
- In "analogue mode", this uses the same/similar software as the Sequential "vintage knob" to create an organic feel/sound.
- User wavetables can't be bit-reduced (this one surprised me). The only wavetables that run at 8-bit are the OG PPG wavetables.
- When setting up a patch, each oscillator can be in a different mode (i.e. one can be in PPG mode, one in "User Wave" mode, and one in "Analog" mode)
- The wavetable engine is based on the Pro3 third oscillator.
- It responds to poly-aftertouch.
- No plans for a desktop
- It will ship by August 15th at latest. Production is already finished, they are simply tidying up the software - specifically, the wavetable conversion and sequencer.
Il fait vraiment envie. Peut-être un jour en occasion dans ...... 10 ans
D'ici là, et quand j'aurai retrouver de quoi réinstaller mes synthés, je me replongerai dans mon Waldorf MicroWave XTk qui est déjà très passionnant à programmer