Baisse de tarifs de Gibson ?!
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cf. Lead Guitars
!!! Baisse des prix chez Gibson !!!
C'est pas juste une promo de quelques jours, hein, rassurez-moi ... Bon sang, une SG faded à 600€ sur Woodbrass, nan mais sérieux, je rêve ??
Champagne ?
Filip H
Vu sur un forum Gibson:
Citation : Hi!
Last week i ordered the new Melody Maker from the MF site and was promised a delivery date the 3rd of February. Yesterday morning i checked the MF web-site and found out that the delivery date had been postponed til the end of February. I phoned the youths at the "so called" 24/7 customer service at MF and asked about it, and my suspision was right, it had been delayed. I then asked if i could cancel my order and said i was going to think about it when the guy told me he had already canceled it because he thought i wanted to and now he could not get the order back!! I wonder if they have any guitars for delivery at all! Instaed i placed an order with for the now discontinued Melody Maker and everything worked out fine, realy nice staff!//Carl, Sweden
apparement problèmes identiques aux states, ici suite à l'annonce d'une réédition de Melody Maker à 349 USD...
... AF ON, NO Audio out...
Filip H
Ce qu'il y a c'est que les petits sites VPC français ont du mal à survivre face aux gros sites allemands et font n'importe quoi...
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