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Commentaires sur le test : Test du synthétiseur Roland Jupiter-Xm

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Sujet de la discussion Commentaires sur le test : Test du synthétiseur Roland Jupiter-Xm
Le Jupiter-Xm est le premier exemplaire d’une nouvelle génération de synthés signés Roland, modélisant des gloires du passé de la marque, misant sur une polyphonie accrue et un nombre de modèles simultanés disponibles accrus. Pari gagnant ?

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Ce que je regrette pour la prise CTRL, c'est de ne pas pouvoir utiliser un double footswitch type FS-6, ça aurait pu être sympa d'avoir + de contrôle quand on a 2 mains prises, par exemple un switch "momentary" sur le keys detector...
+1 je trouve aussi le module XV tres complemantaire et trouvé dedans des sons intéressant !
Ainsi qu' une petite vingtaine dans les 5 banks de ( promo ) Roland .
Et encore queque's uns dans les banks 0a 0b etc..

[ Dernière édition du message le 11/02/2020 à 07:54:57 ]

La bibliothèque du XV-5080 du Roland Cloud dispose de 900 présets, sait-on combien sont présents dans le Jupiter ?

C'est beau la normandie

A peu près pareil.
D'après la sound list, il y en a huit cent quatre-vingt-seize!

[ Dernière édition du message le 11/02/2020 à 22:19:21 ]

Ok merci, et on sait si cette banque contient l'ensemble de la collection des cartes SRJV et SRX de l'époque du XV-5080 ou bien elle est incomplète ?

C'est beau la normandie


[ Dernière édition du message le 23/02/2020 à 19:23:26 ]

Hors sujet :
Du coup il y a un éditeur ou une application de prévu ? de type AX ou Intégra.
Les petits boutons de selection me parraise fragile, et ils sont très sollicité !.. inquiet je suis

[ Dernière édition du message le 04/03/2020 à 17:41:46 ]

Une nouvelle version (1.20) du firmware est arrivée :

Additional Functions / Functionality Improvements
In the operations in "Editing the Sound (TONE EDIT)," it is now possible to edit multiple parts simultaneously.
This is also available during performances.
Key Transpose for a pattern input using the STEP EDIT function is now possible by keyboard operation.
Added the function (L / R Dual) to operate Pan of Part 1 and Part2 at the same time during Dual performance.
( [shift] + [dual] )
A function for copying parameters between partials on Partial-equipped Models (other than Analog Synthesizers and VOCODER) has been added.
(Display the copy-source Partial screen, then use the [shift] + [write] + copy-destination Partial button)
A screen displaying all key ranges of each part (KEY RANGE SETTINGS) has been added to the MENU screen.
This is convenient when making settings for split sounds in combination with I-ARPEGGIO.
A function for assigning the number of the Scene to recall at unit startup (Startup Scene) has been added.
( SYSTEM > GENERAL Startup Scene )
A function that produces a warning so as to prevent unintended Scene changes (Scene Lock) has been added.
( SYSTEM > GENERAL Scene Lock )
In the STEP EDIT function, it is now possible to input the end point of a Tie by pressing the [shift] + [1] ~ [16] buttons when the cursor is over the note where you want to input the Tie.
The MIDI channel can be set for each Parts.
* Along with this specification change, "MIDI Basic Ch" has been removed from [system].
A setting function (USB Audio Thru) for mixing USB Audio In with USB Audio Output has been added.
A setting function (AUXIN USB Thru) for mixing AUX IN or Bluetooth into USB Audio Output has been added.
Removed Function
The function for setting KEY TRANSPOSE using the keyboard while holding down the [ TRANSPOSE ] button has been removed.
* This avoids unintended changes in the KEY TRANSPOSE value when working with the [ TRANSPOSE ] button.
Tone Fixes
The tones produced when the [unison] button is set to "on" while using an Analog Synthesizer MODEL were not as intended; this has been corrected.
In connection with this, the parameter that changes when the [unison] and [mono] buttons are pressed has been changed from "PART" to "TONE."
For RD-PIANO's Preset Tones, the changes in tone due to the intensity of velocity have been adjusted.
The Controller Assign settings for some preset scenes have been revised.
(The JUPITER-Xm is updated with the revised settings when the operation in "Returning to the Factory Settings (Factory Reset)" is carried out.)
* Returning settings to their factory-default value initializes all settings. Before returning the unit to its factory defaults, be sure to use the backup function to save the current settings.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs were fixed.
Minor bugs have been fixed.
Cool, merci pour l'info ! :mrg:

Added the function (L / R Dual) to operate Pan of Part 1 and Part2 at the same time during Dual performance.
( [shift] + [dual] ),The MIDI channel can be set for each Parts.
( SCENE PART EDIT > MIDI Rx Ch ) ...:bave:

[ Dernière édition du message le 24/03/2020 à 15:16:24 ]