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Akai Professional MPC Live
Akai Professional MPC Live

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC


Sujet Mise à jour MPC 2.4 pour début février!

  • 236 réponses
  • 48 participants
  • 26 297 vues
Sujet de la discussion Mise à jour MPC 2.4 pour début février!

2.3 saw standalone synth engines, now it's time for premium mixing tools in MPC!

Akai Professional has just announced MPC 2.4 that introduces a plethora of user-requested features and workflow enhancements, notably the addition of 28 must-have effects from critically-acclaimed DSP gurus AIR Music Tech, a much-requested side-chain compressor, the Mother Ducker, enhanced clip launch and a number of other improvements.

The original AIR Creative FX collection has been included as part of Avid Pro Tools® since Version 8 and is considered the reference FX suite by some of the world's most respected audio professionals.

With MPC 2.4, this legendary suite of 16 mix essentials has been ported to MPC for immediate use with standalone or desktop MPC software; this core range of effects has also been expanded to include 12 new plugins, including the AIR Channel Strip and AIR Transient.

Each effect has been expertly designed with ease of use in mind and the stunning new TUI layouts take using effects inside MPC to a whole new level.

2.4 will be a free update for owners of MPC 2 Desktop Software, MPC Live and X in early February.
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Citation de Misère :
Que ça sorte ce we ou dans 3 semaines on attendra et puis c'est tout !!!

ahah c'est clair!! tu est la toi aussi mdr!!! Big up a toi bro!!!
Trop dure d attendre ^^ je suis pire qu'un gosse à noël a chaque arriver d une nouvel maj .

le boom boom du son ses comme le boom boom du coeur si tu l'arête je meur !!!!!!!

Nous sommes encore sous l'effet de la 2.3 et ils ont su créer la "hype" avec la 2.4, bien que celle-ci sera surtout axé sur la mise à jour des Effets.
Les impatients du side-chain, votre attente va enfin être récompensé..
J'espère cependant il y aura quelques améliorations ergonomique.

"La musique pour tous quelque soit le style ou l'époque"

Hors sujet :
Tiens, un truc à côté duquel j'étais complètement passé à côté, c'est la fonction split event sur la 2.3. :bave:
La vitesse de la lumiere etant superieure a la vitesse du son, certaines personnes paraissent brillantes avant d'avoir l'air con
petites infos supplémentaires:

Citation :
• Clip Programs internal architecture has been significantly improved so that you can now play up to 16 programs simultaneously. Now when changing tracks or changing sequence your clips will continue to play allowing you to incorporate them seamlessly into a live performance.
• Next Sequence mode now remembers the next sequence change when leaving the mode.
• Holding Shift and pressing the hardware Stop button returns the playhead to the beginning of the
extrait d'un pdf avec notamment une description de chaque effets:

This is a firmware and software update.
Desktop Software
The MPC 2.4 desktop software includes MIDI maps for popular Ableton, Arturia, Korg, M-Audio and Native Instruments controllers.
Downloading the Update
To download the MPC 2.4 Desktop Software Update, log into your Akai Pro user account or through MPC 2.3 when prompted.
For instructions on installing the update, please visit our knowledge base article here. Firmware
This release is for MPC X and MPC Live hardware.
Downloading the Update
To download the 2.4 Firmware Update, navigate to the MPC X or MPC Live product page and click on Downloads to find the Mac and PC download links:
• MPC Live product page
• MPC X product page
For instructions on installing the update, please visit our knowledge base article here.

All information subject to change
New Features
The MPC standalone now includes the MPC AIR FX bundle comprising 28 effects written by the DSP gurus at AIR Music Technology. The original AIR Creative FX collection has been included as part of Pro Tools® since Version 8 and is considered the reference FX suite by some of the world’s most respected audio professionals. These same effects from Pro Tools have been ported to MPC so you can use them in your standalone or desktop MPC software. The range of effects have also been greatly expanded to include twelve new plugins including the AIR Channel Strip and AIR Transient. Each effect has been expertly designed with ease of use in mind and the stunning new TUI layouts take using effects inside MPC to a whole new level.
16 Classic FX from Pro Tools:
AIR Distortion: Instantly adds colour to your audio signal with various types and varying amounts of distortion.
AIR Enhancer: Enhances the low and high broadband frequencies of an audio signal.
AIR Ensemble: Lets you apply fluid, shimmering modulation effects to the audio signal.
AIR Filter Gate: Highly acclaimed plug-in that you can use to chop up an audio signal into staccato
rhythmic patterns with variable filtering, amplitude, and panning.
AIR Flanger: Lets you apply a short modulating delay to the audio signal.
• AIR Freq Shift: Use the Frequency Shifter plug-in to shift the audio signal’s individual frequencies,
creating a unique effect.
AIR Fuzz-Wah: Lets you add colour to an audio signal with various types and varying amounts of
transistor-like distortion.
AIR Kill EQ: Use the Kill EQ plug-in to zap out the Low, Mid or High broadband frequency range from
an audio signal. This is a popular effect with DJs and is commonly used in electronic music production
(especially in dance music).
AIR Lo-Fi: Plug-in that you can use to bit-crush, down-sample, clip, rectify, and mangle an input signal.
AIR Multi-Chorus: Plug-in that lets you apply a thick, complex Chorus effect to an audio signal.
AIR Non-Linear Reverb: Use the Non-Linear Reverb plug-in to apply special gated or reversed Reverb
effects to the audio signal, creating a synthetic, processed ambience.
AIR Phaser: Applies a phaser to an audio signal for that wonderful “wooshy,” “squishy” sound.
AIR Reverb: Use the Reverb effect to apply Reverb to the audio signal, creating a sense of room or
space. Typically, you’ll want to use Reverb on one of the Effect Send inserts or Main Effects inserts.
AIR Spring Reverb: Use the Spring Reverb plug-in for that classic spring reverb sound. Just don’t kick your computer trying to get the springs to rattle! The Spring Reverb plug-in models an analogue
spring reverb.
AIR Stereo Width: Plug-in that you can use to create a wider stereo presence.
AIR Talkbox: Plug-in that lets you add voice-like resonances to audio signals.
12 All-New Plugins
• AIR Channel Strip: Specially written for MPC this channel strip combines multiple sections with a super- fast interface for getting incredible results. The equalisation section features a high pass filter, low shelf, high shelf, and a fully parametric mid band. The dynamics section includes AIR compressor and gate algorithms which are perfect for achieving hard hitting drum sounds.
• AIR Compressor: Compressor changes the dynamic range of a signal by automatically reducing its gain if it exceeds a certain level (the threshold).
• AIR Delay: A classic stereo delay, the feedback path has a filter within it to shape the tonality of the repeats. The Ratio and Width parameters enable you to achieve a wide range of stereo delay effects.
• AIR Diff Delay: Delay line effect that is synchronised to your session tempo and uses an adjustable amount of diffusion, thus emulating the dissipation of echoes in reverberant space.
• AIR Filter: Filter applies a filter to an incoming audio signal and then applies a selectable type of distortion, reduction, etc to that filtered signal.
All information subject to change

• AIR Maximizer: Maximizer is a limiter optimised for professional mastering.
• AIR Noise Gate: A classic gate effect. Use the dedicated denoise section to achieve a smoother gate
effect with less audible chatter.
• AIR Para EQ: Four-band parametric equaliser with four independent EQ ranges.
• AIR Pitch Shifter: Transpose the pitch of your incoming audio, a range of pitch shifting algorithms gives
you a variety of flavours to experiment with.
• AIR Pumper: Pumper creates a rhythmic pumping effect, similar to that of sidechain compression, with
an assignable speed, depth and envelope shape.
• AIR Transient: Take control of your dynamics with an interface that’s fast and simple to use. Add more
attack to your drum sounds, reduce the level of reverb or increase the sustain level a bass guitar.
• AIR Tube Drive: Tube Drive emulates the sound of the signal being played through a mildly “overdriven”
tube amp, creating a warm, smooth-sounding distortion
Mother Ducker and Mother Ducker Input Processors
You can now achieve Side chain ducking effects in the MPC standalone or desktop software using the new Mother Ducker and Mother Ducker Input effects plugins. To achieve a ducking effect on a synthesiser part using a kick drum as a trigger input: On a drum program go to the pad mixer and on the mixer strip for the kick drum add the Mother Ducker Input. Next go to the channel mixer and add the Mother Ducker to one of your Plugin instrument program channel strips. The Mother Ducker Input sends the kick drum down one of the Mother Ducker’s internal buses to the Mother Ducker plugin. Within the Mother Ducker plugin you can meter the input level from the kick drum and tweak the amount of ducking using the threshold and ratio parameters. The Attack and Release parameters allow you to sculpt the envelope of the gain reduction to achieve exactly the pumping effect you are after. The Mother Ducker has eight internal buses so that you can setup multiple channel strips with ducking effects on from different sources.
Other notable additions:
• Clip Programs internal architecture has been significantly improved so that you can now play up to 16 programs simultaneously. Now when changing tracks or changing sequence your clips will continue to play allowing you to incorporate them seamlessly into a live performance.
• Next Sequence mode now remembers the next sequence change when leaving the mode.
• Holding Shift and pressing the hardware Stop button returns the playhead to the beginning of the
• You can now Load FLAC and OGG files into both the desktop and standalone MPC.
• You can now Export FLAC and OGG files in both the desktop and standalone MPC.
• The desktop software now contains stunning new TUI layouts for the AIR instruments Hybrid, Loom,
Vacuum Pro, Velvet, Xpand!2, theRiser.
All information subject to change
Citation :
• Clip Programs internal architecture has been significantly improved so that you can now play up to 16 programs simultaneously. Now when changing tracks or changing sequence your clips will continue to play allowing you to incorporate them seamlessly into a live performance.
• Next Sequence mode now remembers the next sequence change when leaving the mode.
• Holding Shift and pressing the hardware Stop button returns the playhead to the beginning of the

Quelqu'un peux m'expliquer les améliorations apportées avec cet update ? En pratique ça change quoi , car visiblement ça à l'air de séduire tout le monde sur gearslutz
Pour les clips: maintenant c'est 16 simultanés, et surtout ils ne s'arrêtent plus quand tu changes de pistes.

Next seq: avant lorsque tu sortais du mode next seq avant que la prochaine sequence soit lancée, cela annulait ce changement, bien pénible. avec la 2.4 tu peux aller dans le mode next seq, mettre dans la file d'attente la prochaine séquence à jouer, et repartir dans un autre mode sans que cela annule ton changement de séquence. Cela était très attendu et ça se comprend!

Shift+Stop: met la tête de lecture au début, un petit gain dans le work flow

et du coup tous les nouveaux effets en plus: notamment un compresseur avec sidechain, une reverb stéréo, et des FX plus dédiés au bus master

[ Dernière édition du message le 03/02/2019 à 15:06:43 ]

Citation de Richard :
Pour les clips: maintenant c'est 16 simultanés, et surtout ils ne s'arrêtent plus quand tu change de pistes.

Next seq: avant lorsque tu sortais du mode next seq avant que la prochaine sequence soit lancée, cela annulait ce changement, bien pénible. avec la 2.4 tu peux aller dans le mode next seq, mettre dans la file d'attente la prochaine séquence à jouer, et repartir dans un autre mode sans que cela annule ton changement de séquence. Cela était très attendu et ça se comprend!

Shift+Stop: met la tête de lecture au début, un petit gain dans le work flow

et du coup tous les nouveaux effets en plus: notamment un compresseur avec sidechain, une reverb stéréo, et des FX plus dédiés au bus master

Merci !!!
Ca y est c'est dispo ! Le 2.4 est installé chez moi !!!